Have to Leave WA for A little While


Sorry To all WA community as I have to go away for awhile. I can not put the 110% needed at WA so need some time with the family and get life strait. I have learned so much here at WA and I know I will be back in few months just need to make sure I can give what is needed to succeed when i come back.

Again thank you WA your awesome!!!!

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All the best to you until you return.

Good luck on your endeavors and look forward to seeing you again.

Sorry that you have to leave, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Look forward to your return!

You're right about the attention that WA needs. I mean once you commit to it...it's the following through part that can be challenging at times. But we all have a life outside of our marketing ventures and although one 'feeds' the other, we need to set priorities as well.
Good luck... see ya soon!

Take care, good luck!

Hope you´ll be back soon, take care :)


All the best, come back soon.


I can understand your point of view and why you need to do this. I think that you being here for this bit was still a good thing for you as now the seed has been planted. Over the few months that seed will grow and grow until it leads you back to here and creating your own successful business.

I wish the best for you and your family and look forward to when you get back.

Hi Jessica. Sorry to hear that but family has to come first. Look forward to seeing you again in the future when you return. Take care :) Beverley

Thank you and will see you soon!!!

Best wishes, look forward to seeing you here again-soon.

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