On to level 2. not a big deal - I already knew all this. :)


Not bragging, I admit I am a bit advanced as an affiliate marketer - but I do appreciate the encouragement (that is probably mostly why I am here).

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For sure, there will be some "I already knew this" as you move through the training, but it will get more advanced as you move forward.

Also make sure you tune into the Friday expert classes, that you have access to as a Premium member. Lots of nuggets are shared each and every week. :)

Full disclosure, I have a PBN of well over 100 domains. My inventory includes some PREMIUM names that are just idling (they've been registered for up to 10 years). I use EBN to host and historically could rank for very competitive terms.

I can rank pretty much anything on Youtube.

Oh yeah, some of my domains pretty much 'automagically' grab the feature snippet (mostly old product reviews of extinct products).

I literally have no excuse not to CRUSH it... however here I am with $0.00/day income.

That is changing very soon.

Alright - jumping into level 2. I should probably post more about my history (I've run a very popular dating advice forum, done PPC to CPA with GREAT success, made tons off emails, etc - but right now my income is exactly $0.00/day.... at my peak it was well over $1000/day). - however it's time for me to get back to work and keep watching the training.

Welcome to WA family and community.

Please follow on the lessons clicking the Training tab top menu. When you are needing help you can ask the community.

Wishing you well, continued success and a terrific day.

HI, no worries.

Welcome to WA

Please follow the training and apply what is taught all is explained within the lessons. How to make money by Kyle

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