Teaching My Daughter The Power Of Being Independent

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When I first found out I was going to be a Dad I was as excited as I have ever been in my life. When I found out I was having a daughter I was still excited as ever but also as terrified as I have ever been in my life.

I immediately started reading all the books on being a dad, raising a daughter and the father/daughter relationship. The reason for reading these books is that in my 30 plus years of being a man on this earth one thing I have learned is I have absolutely no idea how the female brain operates.

After reading these book two things I really took from it was during the ages 12-19 she will most likely hate me, and the second thing, and the reason I am here on this site, I don't want her to be dependent on a man or a single job.

I want to teach her the power of entrepreneurship, independence and income security. Since she is only 5 years old I know there is only so much she can grasp on this topic which is a little deep for a 5-year-old. I try not to put too much on her since she is just a kid and last thing I want to do is introduce her to adulthood too early, I want her to purely be a kid. At the same time however, I want to start planting little nuggets and lessons into her head and her foundation now.

There a few books I have read to her on entrepreneurship that are based for kids, we also do little exercises and have discussion about being smart with money and stuff like that. I was still researching and trying to find a great way to teach her about this when I remembered Wealthy Affiliate, from when I dabbled into it a little last year but just didn't stay with it. I thought it would be great to start a site for her where she picks the niche, is involved with the article topics, and involved with the products we review and link as well.

We have only been at it for a few months so we haven't made money yet, but when it does happen (and it is going to happen) I will go further into teaching her the power of making her own money, and then putting that money to work to make her even more money and so on.

Nothing wrong with working a 9-5 job Ive done it my whole life as most of you probably have as well, it is what we were taught to do, go to school and get a good job. However, 2008 taught me a painful lesson no matter how great your job is you really don't have any job security; you can be laid off, fired, injured, or the company could close it is doors at anytime.

I don't want that for my daughter, just to note I am also a father of a 3-year-old daughter who I will be dong the same thing when she gets to 5 as well. Not to bring up such a dark topic but I have seen women stay with men because they are dependent on them financially. Even when these men become abusive and unfaithful they stay out of fear of being broke and or homeless or losing the lifestyle they have become accustomed to. It is my number one fear as a father and I want to raise them where this isn't a possibility.

Seeing the recent women's movement of empowerment to me is awesome and encouraging, as I see a lot of women, my wife first and foremost, that are going to me amazing and strong role models for my girls to look up to.

Through all of this I cannot encourage you enough to maybe to do something similar with your children. Start them a site, let them pick the niche, and get them involved teaching them the power of financial freedom and security. My daughter and I have a blast with this, she chose unicorns as her nice, and together we chose the name Heavenly Unicorn. We are based off of anything and everything related to unicorns. We have set goals; initially we are just a blog/niche site using ads and affiliate marketing to monetize our site and eventually we would like to try to sell our own products.

Obviously she isn't writing the articles yet, I do almost all the writing, but she is involved with every aspect of every article. While we have not done any videos yet but she is so excited about doing a YouTube video to promote her site or product.

So that's our story so far on her, and hopefully maybe makes sense to anyone who has seen our site or commented on it and wondered why a grown man is doing a niche site on pink, rainbow, glittery unicorns haha...well it is all for my daughter!!!

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Recent Comments


That is so awesome! I can tell by what you've written you're an amazing dad and I commend you!!

It's funny I had similar thoughts when I discovered I was pregnant with identical twin boys. I thought "oh my god I know nothing about boys!" What do I do! Aaaaghhh!

Your daughter will thank you for your sage advice when she is older.

There's lots of lessons I'm trying to instil in my boys too. I hope I'm giving them a good foundation so they'll grow into thoughtful, kind and resilient young men.

All the best and thanks for sharing :)

That’s awesome Mia, I know there is nothing that can replace mom in a boys life. We are all mommas boys at heart.
Best of luck to you and your boys.

This is really inspiring and I am a parent of one teen and two tweens - my goal is to sign them up as soon as they are finished from high school and teach them what I know now. Thanks for sharing.
I totally agree about children and especially girls being independant - you are an awesome dad :)

Thank you so much

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