Site Comments - A better alternative!

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I believe that the Site Comments area of Wealthy Affiliate seems to be a hidden gem. People gravitate to the "Need website comments? the give and take comment thread" rather than going to the Site Comments area under their nose.

Let me tell you about Site Comments!

Do you see the 32 next to mine? That means I have 32 pending comments waiting for my review! THIRTY-TWO!

Do you know how I got that many? It isn't because I built them up. These are NEW comments! It's because I left 10 comments for other people on their posts, and I was awarded with 24 HOURS OF COMMENTS on my posts!


This racks up an unbelievable amount of comments in a very short period of time.

How does it work?

Let me show you:

Click on Websites on the left sidebar, and then click on SITE COMMENTS!

Once inside it will look like this, and you will want to click on LEAVE SOME COMMENTS HERE:

Once you click on that, you will be taken to a page where a website will pop up for review:

1 - This tells you what kind of comments the author is looking for here.

2 - This is the button you click to be taken to the author's post. You read their post and then come back here to put in your comment here.

3 - This is where you enter your comment.

4 - Click submit my comment

For every comment you earn a credit. Once you get 10 total credits in a 24-hour period, BAM - You get 24 hours of comments on YOUR posts:

If you would like to get your comments - you simply click on that green REQUEST COMMENTS tab at the top, and you'll be taken to this page:

Click and choose which site of yours you would like comments on, click each of the boxes to tell the commenters what types of comments you want (you can choose as many as you want) and how many comments do you want?

Each comment requires two points.

Once you put in your information, it will look like this:

There you have it peeps!

Go ahead and try it for yourself!

You'll be glad you did!


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Recent Comments


Good subject to discuss, since it's been bandied about a bit in here of late. Most important thing about comments: Google likes to see comments on our pages. So go after those comments, folks. Fitting to the WA philosophy, you have to give before you receive, so give some first and then you can get some back.

That's right - pay it forward!


Thanks for a great and timely for me tutorial.


You've got it, Mark!


You've got it, Mark!


Wow. That was good

Thanks, Adam!


That's interesting you blog this because I was one to use the thread and not the site comments. I started using it last night and you're right!.. it's a better option. I wonder why not everyone is using this?
Thanks for the update on how to use site comments. Good work.

I'm not sure, maybe people just don't know about it. So I like to remind them. It keeps it fresh and active and full of posts.


Thanks Babsie. I must say you do leave some good comments. I always enjoy them.


Thanks, Laura! I do try for sure! I appreciate that.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention, thanks Sruffey.

You're welcome!


The thing I don't like about leaving comments on the get comments on your post. Is if they don't like what you say they disapproved your comments and it hurts you. Even if it is within the guidelines, all they have to do is disapprove your comments. If you understand what I am talking about, please like my comments, thanks Sruffey.

Yes, sometimes people are people. LOL! I've only had a few comments disapproved. One was simply because I didn't ask a question and they said they wanted a question. Really? I was like, are you serious right now? Ha Ha.

Most people are very cool and I get most of my comments approved.


WOW! You're right I have completely overlooked this feature. I have used the give and take feed before but, since I've returned to WA I haven't requested any comments at all and I really need too.

I will give this site comment a try. Thank you for sharing this valuable information. By the way, you're right 32 comments is a lot of comments in one day. Great work!

It really is a lot! Way more than the thread will give you.


Great. Thank you Babsie for the additional info. Good job

All the best,


You're welcome!


Hey Barbara,
I have tried site comments and I have found them to be very beneficial. Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome, Joseph!


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