Starting Off With A Healthy Attitude
Hello Wa, having trouble finding the right direction in the morning leading to frustration?
Well many of us have days where we are left with the despair of LOST TRAIN OF THOUGHT The train of thought or stream of thought refers to the interconnection in the sequence of ideas expressed during a connected discourse or thought, as well as the sequence itself, especially in discussion how this sequence leads from one idea to another.
In the course of a day you are subject to becoming involved with things that are planed out and other's that are unexpected. There is no secret that even the best of us has no way of knowing how your day will start off. Here are a few keys you could follow for a more healthy attitude towards starting your day.
Starting Your Day Off Right
- After getting that cup of coffee and reading the daily news, a great way to release yourself from the negative feeling that has you rattled to the point of frustration, get some air .
- Listening to music that has a comfortable feeling, maybe soft jazz or orchestra.
- Reading over your content before diving in without reviewing what you have done the day before.
- After trying these steps myself i was able to write with a lot better animation towards the ending of my product reviews.
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Including me. I get a little negative at times but it is a part of the human nature of things. just have to find a way to channel that energy into a more positive outlook.
thank you for sharing it is good for all of us to have a way to relax before we get to caught up on working having a walk for me does it, or music.. agree with scorpio about the healthy eating
Hey Katiemac. I go for a walk or sometimes a run just to clear my mind of everything that is bothering me or just to enjoy some me time.
A healthy way to eat is to try and eat what we call "whole food".Most of our meals at home are home cooked from scratch as we try and use fresh ingredients wherever we can.It takes a bit more time to prepare but the health benefits are worth it. Stay away from processed food and if I told you how they made chicken nuggets you would never touch them again!
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Starting your day with a good attitude will make your day go better.
That is the only way to get ahead. Being negative about the situation only makes it harder to fix.