The Clock is Ticking ...........
Time, our best friend, or our enemy. My first 30 days has arrived, Reflection time. Assessment of time spent ? Ten. Pure enjoyment, Ten. Productivity level, Five. Affirmation of Commitment,Ten. Self assessment, Seven......... Overall mark, Ten. The high mark reflects that, despite my productivity level being mid - range, the other remaining levels were High. Those l need to focus on. They are the drivers, the rocket fuel as it were. Always focus on the Positives not the Negative ! The rest will surely follow.
Recent Comments
The big assessment questions AussieMatt are, have you decided on a niche or started to build a website? After a week at WA all I have done is answer WA emails and read WA Blogs. Will now limit doing this and get into the real work i.e. build a website. That's what I joined WA for. Ozibob..
Have you had any ideas for your Niche.I cannot remember whether I asked you what your website was going to be like.I apologise if I have asked you this before.
Yes, focus on the positive!! You need to up yr productivity level, lol.:)
You can do it, Matt!!