Learn,Get Real and Focus
Several You Tube inspirational films, posts and videos later, I took the time to really get down to what I wanted from life. In the next month, year and five years. Writing this down started to ring alarm bells. Yes! I have been doing daily goals since the day I joined WA at the start of the year, I am pleased that I have been achieving these and more but the aims I have in mind I would be in my late retirement before getting to most of them because the numbers weren't adding up!
Yes! I would be enjoying my life but life goals still would be 'wishes'. I got real!
How could I make the numbers add up?
Would my day job achieve my aims in the next five years? No!
What do I really have to do with my websites?
New ideas, new plan, new niches!!!
Focus! Niche, Product, Readers, Customers.
Set up a site that is for real and earning.
An hour brainstorming!
Brought a website, hosting and got down to it. Putting into practice all I had learnt over the last three years. Spent two days totally focused. In between adding inspiration and extras to the blogs and sites that are technically hobbies that advertise my day job. These earn a living for my daily teaching career but don't earn enough to have a dream day off or those life goals.
A newsletter campaign learnt how to do, sent out to my local clients and good feed back led to the confidence to add a capture form on my new niche site and start really building a list of potential customers I have no way of ever meeting other than on line!
Affiliate Sales started coming in but today ten days later I can give you the feed back I have earnt more in IM sales than todays day job wage! A result! I had great day teaching so I feel this is icing on the cake, there is a change on the horizon!
A change in mindset!
I will be honest I had to focus, be hard on myself and do it. I had to be real!
Cut out the crap! (Sorry don't normally use language!
Still being real I need to work out now how to do this extent of concentrated IM work around the day job,family and life. It has made me more focused about what I do with my time. Also the everyday routines are they serving my future?
De-clutter! Spring has really hit!
I will keep WA up to date, that's if you don't mind. It has been great to learn, share and Thank those who have given their knowledge, TLC and open comment.
Thank You!
Recent Comments
I have a similar problem. I love my teaching job, but with the economy in the U.S., my school has decided to cut back our hours (and subsequent pay) by 25%. You don't get rich teaching in this country anyway and this kind of hit is devastating financially.
I need to get kicking and make the IM plan work. I need to sit down and do what you did with planning.
Thanks for the insight.
I hear where you are coming from. There are no more permanent teaching jobs here in the UK for the adult teaching sector so I have to be pretty flexible and go out there at get teaching work in many different ways. IM has really made the difference to me and is giving me the edge here, especially in my area. WA has helped me rank out there when people are looking for my services. I am also getting out there with niche sites.
Really focus time you have. Block in the time each day to get it done. It is working slowly. I earnt one days pay in the real world and one on the internet and that makes a big deal. i will be honest three days later the commission sales have been small but they are more than I had before! Thats how I am looking at it. It will get there as I get quicker and work out the amount of content and links etc. Isn't WA just great?
I am so impressed! And for fun?--I hope there was some time for that-although I did get the feeling that working may be your fun. ;-)
Thank you for your response. I made the decision five years ago to really enjoy everyday of my life and went and retrained. Did my Art Degree! I was teaching Geography in High School to behavioural challenged classes and knew that couldn't be my career for the next 25 years or more. So I had saved and when they said "you have got to make your degree up for the next level". I said I would but by doing a Fine Art Degree! Everyone thought I was mad and are so surprised at how I have used my art, life experience and careers within my work. I love it.It is hard work but I have fun and do what I love to do most of my day now. It really is starting to work. IM has changed everything too for me.
Hey ArtTech! (sorry, don't know your name...)
This is absolutely phenomenal and I'm so happy for you! While jealous at the same time...
I'm still new(ish) here and working on my website - while trying to work on several other projects at once. I'm happy with my progress, but would be really curious to know what it is that you learned over the last few days and implemented that really drove you to a point you haven't reached before.
Looking forward to hearing from you :-)
Keep it up!
Thanks for your comment. It dawned on me, yes I was loving my day job, loving learning how to make websites and set up business on line, loving WA but would they make me financial free as they were? Getting real. Working out the figures of what I wanted to achieve. The answer was "no" not in the returns they were doing, not even in 5 years. So broke it down, niche, content, products,visitors to customers. Feed back
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I hope you are feeling better. I like your philosophy about life.