The Hierarchy of Needs of an Online Business
Hi to you all.
As I was trying to find what are the important elements of having a successful online business, I reflected back to my past where I was taking a Psychology Class in college many years back. And, in one of those days I was learning about the Theory of Human Motivation, as the name, Abraham Maslow, popped in my mind. Yeah, that American psychologist that came up with the Hierachy of Needs Pyramid.
You may or may not be aware of this, but those needs not only relates to life, but to having a successful online business as well. In addition to having the common 5 needs: Self-Actualization, Self-Esteem, Belonging, Business, and Physiological. Another need must also be added as you can see in the bottom image:
Yes, Wifi is needed because without it, an online business would definitely not thrive, thus leading to not being successful.
Happy days, everyone.
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Maybe you shouldn't call it WIFI but connectivity.
Still, I agree with you. It is nowadays part of our society to be connected.
Hmm, I'm thinking wifi connectivity would make more sense. A connection is the common form of people reaching out to each other these days.
Ahhh...Maslow was truly ahead of his time. I'm sure he would have appreciated your add-on, Armand, lol.
You got that right, Veronica. Had the internet existed in his time, I'm almost certain that he would add something that would relate to wifi connectivity to this pyramid.
Yes! Brilliant - all online things are built with wifi, the kind of thing we take for granted until it's not working (in Australia we call that - 'bloody Telstra!'!).
Thanks, Angela! We do take the wifi for granted, don't we? I am hoping there are no more "bloody telstras" on your end.
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Isn't it strange how Maslow's hierarchy is adaptable to so much in life
Ikr? He makes A LOT of sense though.