Wealthy Affiliates as Journalists...
As an avid watcher of the news channel CNN, I confess that I place a lot of value on some of their programs, topmost on my mind right now is "the CNN iREPORTER". The program encourages everybody to embrace jounalism by the use of the gamut of smart gadgets that the present day technology avails us. The program teaches the use of smart gadgets such as cell phones, cameras and other related devices, in capturing events around us at all times. The materials so captured are then shared through the World wide web, this way an incident that occured in a very remote part of the World can easily go viral and become a Global headline in minutes.
Somewhere around a street corner in Tunisia, an unemployed youth who had taken to an improvised occupation of selling vegetables, got himself into some trouble with the municipal police, resulting in his being physically assaulted by them. The young man was so vexed that he doused himself with gasoline and ignited it.
It happened that an" iReporter", another unemployed youth who witnessed it, captured it all with a smart phone, shared it on twitter, it went viral in no time, the rest of what happened is the story we all know too well -the famous "Arab Spring".
Heads of states who were branded as Dictators, Tyrants etc. came tumbling down one after the other in very quick succession, it all happened so fast, and today the middle east and indeed the whole World can never be the same again, all thanks to tiny bits of technology called smart devices.
It gladdens my heart to know that here in "WA" we have a lot more than the unemployed youth in Tunisia, if just one of them, ill equipped ,could bring about so much change in the world in such a short time, being the legitimate home of "smart gadgets market place", we ought to do a lot more in capturing rare moments and causing news to break even from the remotest nooks of our planet earth and beyond.
Each and every Wealthy affiliate can become a lot more than the lone Tunisian unemployed youth in having every corner of the earth covered, capturing all the rare moments in every part of wherever we are and causing the news to break in every part of our Globalized World.
Visit the store house: www.bestsmartgadgets.com , to arm yourselves with only the best smart devices that mordern day technology offers to become the iReporters we ought to be.
Its for the utmost common good of our World.
Kelly Armah Elibe.
e-mail: kellys@bestsmartgadgets.com
Recent Comments
manatee13, thanks so much your comments are as encouraging as they are uplifting . ,and your suggestion? , awesome, I shall take action on it in due couse.
PS. Just took a quick peek at your website and noticed that you have not updated your website name on your profile or on the Privacy Policy - it is still listed as smartgadgets.siterubix .com .
Your 'about me' story is great - interesting and very heart-warming. If you set up that site in the short time you have been with WA, then you have done exceedingly well - you certainly are a mover and shaker!
Hey Armah, an amazing story! I agree, today's amazing technology has brought about amazing changes in communication - we are now a Global Village. It has brought great changes to many different sectors of the world and to communities who were once unknown. It is now very difficult for those in authority to get away with anything - mobile phones and fancy technology, ensure exposure and social networking provides action and retribution.
Your blog has value - It's such a pity not more have seen it - but such is the luc of the game. You put a lot of effort into something and it is seemingly invisible - it's happened to everyone. It's disappointing and disconcerting! May I suggest that you blog it again (maybe delete this one and re-post it?). Maybe a more catchy title will attract more attention (there's a lot of competition there on the Dashboard).
Best wishes!
Hi Animate, thanks for your objectivity, candor and advice, its well taken and I appreciate.
Welcome armah elibe, very nice to have you join our comminity and with your drive and vision, you will achieve. I am not a big fan of media, they only report what they want us to know but with today's technology, the truth goes viral and it can't be hidden from the public.
Your blog is excellent and I suggest you set up your own group in FB and other social sites to have like minded people join you . Social sites are very powerful.
come join us in FB, it's a start.
Wish you all the Best, you are in the right place at the right time Armah,
make it a successful week
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I bought me a spy pen. You've been warned! (: