Requesting Google Indexing Is Part Of My Daily Routine

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When I first heard about requesting indexing I thought that it would be something that one will need to do once in a while.

I never thought that it would be done daily. I actually closed the first website I built with WA because suddenly I found that most of my website was unindexed and I couldn't understand why. Even with WA support, we reached a dead end that there was nothing wrong with the site and what was happening was not understood.

The only solution with the first site was to be patient and continue writing. The niche that I chose then was one that is interesting, but one that I have no real interest in. Therefore, I took what happened as an excuse and decided to start with a new niche.

The decision to start in a new niche was that there was a topic that was very interested in learning. I know that one of the best ways to learn something is to explain it. Therefore, I decided to build a blog around it to help me better understand the new topic that I was learning and researching.

I decided that I would check Google Search Console on daily basis, and see how they were treating it. Well, they were and still are treating it very badly.

I built it in December 2022, but to tell the truth, I didn't produce content as much as I wanted. By September 2023 I had 50 posts and 2 pages. Because of severe personal circumstances, I haven't produced any content since that date, but I would check GSC whenever possible.

What was happening was very strange:

  • The site was getting negligible traffic.
  • Posts would be first indexed and then find them in the section crawled but not indexed.
  • Then found out that most of my posts were in that same area, crawled but not indexed.
  • I would request indexing, and the pages would be indexed, then a couple of weeks later they are back at crawled but not indexed.
  • There are at least 10 posts that were not even crawled. I would request indexing and be happy that they disappeared from that section only to find them in the crawled but not indexed.

My solution was to create a Google sheet, and every day I would pick up one post from the crawled and not indexed and one from the not crawled sections. Then I would register the date on which I requested the indexing and the date on which I found that it was indexed.

I feel that I am playing with Google the game of the cat and rat. I fix this from here, and they come up with an issue from there.

One of the articles I requested indexing three times and they indexed it three times and now it is back to the crawled and not indexed.

Today, I check my emails and my bills, and I request indexing before I move to the tasks of the day.

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Requesting indexing should be a part of all of ours routine each time we publish a new post Rami!

I too am having issues with Google indexing and then de-indexing posts at the moment...

I put it down to the recent updates and just keep plodding along and adding as much quality content as possible!

Let's see what happens my friend! :-)

This is a relief to know that it is not happening only to me.. thanks a lot for the support.

I now have GSC requesting indexing and checking emails together in my task list :)

Thanks a lot

You're most welcome my friend and sounds like a solid strategy!

All the very best moving forward! :-)

Hi - you may wish to read my post on the subject.

Thank you Diane, I just read the post, I admit that I am poor with the concept of internal linking, I do it, but I still need to be more consistent with it.

My experience with the crawled and not indexed is that most of the time it works. Since most of the time it works, it becomes annoying that in some cases it is not working. Now after reading your article, I came to understand the dynamics and should be thankful for the ones that are working :)

thank you very much

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