Tweet . tweet . tweet . tweet . tweet
I've tried to follow as many WA peeps on twitter as I can but some of you have a problem.
Have you ever heard a songbird tweeting outside your window. It's pretty, for a little while. But after a few hours of that same stupid bird chirping on and on and on it can get irritating, so much so that you have to go close the window.
I don't know if its a problem with a WP plugin, or if you're just being dumb, but some of the people I've followed on twitter are re-posting the same tweets, dozens of them, over and over and over ...
So you got un-followed.
If it's a plugin problem, please fix it. If it's deliberate, then STOP IT!.
I do one post a day and if I did much more than that I would annoy even myself. :)
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Twitter only allows you to tweet the exact same post once in a 24 hour period. You have to alter the post in some way if you want to tweet it again sooner.
I hate to call anyone out, but just for example there is a lovely young lady I would love to follow at
Pick any of the banners you want and you will see that they all, all of them just about, repost every two hours, and there are bunches of them.
I'm assuming this is done with a plugin, and it seems to change hash tags each time to make them unique.
I love the girl. I hate her twitter feed.
I'm not sure how they do this. Some sort of automated program that posts to various social media. When you are following a lot of people you won't notice it as much. I have around 7000 followers and follow quite a few back. So many tweets run down the feed at any given time that you barely get to read any of them.
I've been on Twitter since 2008. Most people tweet the same stuff over and over. Just about everyone does.
I'm currently following 82 twitter accounts. I've had to un-follow 3 so far for filling my twitter feed with hundreds of repeated postings, to the point I have to scroll down dozens of pages just to see anyone else.
Fresh tweets turn into rotten spam very quickly at that rate.
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You cannot post only once per day and expect to see results, especially on Twitter. On Pinterest, Google+, Facebook & LinkedIn you can but not on Twitter.
Because Twitter is a constantly flowing newsfeed where the lifespan of a tweet is 18-20 minutes if you have 1000 and up followers. If you have less han 1000 followers those lifespan numbers can be halved.
If you do not post multiple times a day, I normally do 8 throughout the day, then you will not see results. But I never tweet the same exact tweet more than once, especially since I tweet using an image, which is a must to get more interaction.
I see you on my feed all the time. I just checked and your posts are in position 1, 48,49,95,108 and 187. That is totally fine.
What is not fine is to scroll through 200 to 300 posts and 95% of them are from 3 people and some of them have the same image 40 or 50 times. Those are the guys I un-follow.
I could never do that because though it is bad policy it would make my profile page look bad and a good impression is everything.