What is your mailbox number.

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Hey all,

Hope you are good and well this week.

Well, what a night I had last night, the once-a-year event that I look forward to……no not my birthday, the day I go and clear my personal e-mails accounts of all the rubbish I have signed up for over the year.

It is amazing what mailing lists I signed up for over the past 12 months and thinking back to where I was mentally and mind-set at that point.

Well with joining WA, last night I deleted and unsubscribed from all those money-making mailing list so that I can focus 100% with no distractions on WA. I created filters so that e-mails are sorted into folders so that I can prioritize important messages and the rest I can get to when I have time.

I have now set three 10 mins periods during the day where I will login to review and action what needs to be done and jump off so that I am not interrupted by e-mails during the day and can focus on what needs to be done.

So that was my action-packed night, be good to hear what tips and hints you all use along with who has the biggest inbox number.......

Thanks for reading.


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Getting rid of distractions past or present is a good idea.

Very well done, Anthony! A clean slate to start again!


Zero. Because I have to check it daily for mails from my teacher and school. So I occasionally run into junk mail or offers and promotions or the daily news from my local providers or abroad.

It’s a pet peeve of mines. I delete it all once I read it lol

Hey ShakidaD,

Fair play to you, I am getting there, into double figures for my two accounts should be zero later today and going forward.

Lol my little sister has something like 23k un check emails🤣

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