Checking in with everyone!
Hi guys, just going through the training and I'm here to share my experience.
1. Your progress thus far
I feel like I've come a long way! I had never written blog posts before this and now It's become a lot less dauting of a task. I've recently opened up the Social Media avenues for my site and I'm looking forward to growing those, alongside the main website.
2. Your website that you have created
3. Something you have learned thus far
I don't know where to start with this one! I'd say the biggest thing I've learnt is being able to see another website and be able to identify ways in which they're monetising. Developing an understanding of how Affiliate Marketing works is definitely the biggest lesson so far. Although there is still much to learn!
4. A question that you may have.
I tend to ask questions as I go!
5. Any successes (not just financial, but things you are proud of)
I'm proud of developing a workflow into my daily life, where I can put time into building my site. I'm hoping to get out of the rat race as soon as I can!
6. Your plans and goals in the upcoming 3 months
I'll be proposing in February! This is currently the biggest plan haha!
7. Your plans and goals in the upcoming 6 months
Hopefully engaged by then if she says yes! I'll also be working as much as I can on my site and socials, learning and tweaking along the way. Ideally I'd be doing affiliate marketing full-time!
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Awesome, nice work on your progress and I love that you are planning for the long term of your business. That is exactly how you achieve big accomplishment, and how you are going to achieve brilliance in the year ahead!
Keep us updated with your progress! :)
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Sounds like things are progressing very nicely Anothgajan!
It's always beneficial to map out our future plans and all the very best moving forward with your online business endeavours my friend!
Hi, Thank you very much! I also wish you the very best! You'll be out of the classrooms and be working as your own boss in no time!
You're very welcome my friend and I am almost there!!
Awesome! I hope to be there as soon as I can!
I hope so too Anothgajan!