An Unexpected Sliver of 6 Degrees of Separation.with Barbra Streisand

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Today is the release day for the long-anticipated Barbra Streisand memoir! Maybe not for some of you reading this, but for the legions of Streisand fans, one of the groups of peeps I connect with, it certainly is!

And on top of waiting for my Amazon driver to deliver my personal copy of "My Name is Barbra", I was asked to be interviewed as a super Barbra fan to talk about this on live tv. Have you heard of Scripps News? No, me neither, but they are based in Atlanta and are neither left nor right-leaning. (Sounds appealing, right?)

One of the programming producers reached out to me yesterday after reading a post on my Barbra Streisand website. This post was about some of the rare items I have collected and enjoyed over the years: Barbra champagne, my Barbra personalized license plates, a signed Barbra Streisand check, and a five-foot cardboard standee of Barbra from her Streisand Superman album from the 1970s.

I, of course, answered YES to the request! I can never pass up a chance to talk about "the greatest star" from Funny Girl fame! I received a link for the interview, sort of like a Zoom link, but for broadcast TV. I was reminded to look at the camera light and not the computer screen.

I logged in, spoke briefly to the tech producer, waited about five minutes, and then LIVE with Lauren Magarino, the anchor. She was very easy to talk to, supplied me with enough energy and I kept a big smile on my face. Since I wasn't supposed to look at my screen, I didn't know what she looked like, until the segment was done and recorded!

The whole experience was awesome. All the people I spoke to or emailed and texted were professional and super nice. I have put this up on a new YouTube channel of mine, that will be dedicated to my love of Barbra.

What fun to have a hobby that is so fun. Through my admiration and enjoyment of all things Barbra-related, I have met so many great people. After a six-decade career, there is never a shortage of things to talk about. Favorite song? Favorite movie? Favorite co-star? And on and on!

I am hoping by the time I get home today, that my copy of the new autobiography will be waiting for me. I am going to savor each of the almost 1000 pages. It's been a long time coming!

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Recent Comments


Wow! Your unexpected TV interview and deep passion for Barbra Streisand are inspiring. Enjoy every page of the autobiography and your new YouTube channel journey! 🌟📚🎤


Thanks for your nice comments. Sometimes events create special days, like today! Appreciate it!

How sweet! And what a great opportunity to share what you know.

I purchased Barbra's latest album, the pink double-album set. A must have collection of never-before-released songs of her choosing.

The album cover opens to show an image and few words about each song.

Enjoy the read! Im sure it will be enjoyable.


One chapter down! Going slow for total enjoyment! Loving it! I have to get the latest album sets!

Target sells the only pink album version!

Yes, I mustvget the book as well.

Enjoy and savor!


I will check Target! thanks!

You're welcome!


Hi annezarra, sounds good. Thanks for sharing


Thanks Larry!

annezarra, you are welcome.


That sounds wonderful Anne! So glad that worked out for you. Do you have that Youtube link on your profile?


It will be up soon on my Barbra website. Thanks Mel!

Just watched the video Anne. Awesome!


Thanks Mel! It was so fun!

Sounds awesome, Anne!


So fun! Waited and waited for this book! Barbra will speak the truth about her life !

I'm glad you will get to read it, Anne!


And listen to Barbra read it at the same time audio book style. 48 hours of audio!

Wow, that should be awesome!

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