Organic Traffic Sources
What is organic traffic
Organic traffic is refer as when new visitor/person come to your website through a search engine (such as google, yahoo, bing etc) is generally knwon as organic traffic. This is done by when a user type a question in search engine question box. This querry is searched by its storage, indexed all pages and produced best relevant result pages with rank wise indexed list with their ranking alogrithm.
Organic Traffic is very important among people, who build trust and rank of their website to attracts new followers / customers.
How to generate organic traffic
We can generate organic traffic through search engine optimization to follow white hat practice and engaggement through socail media.
It is trhe best practrice to optimize our website to get higher rank through the above.
BEST QUALITY CONTENT & USER LIKE TO READ THEM : We need to keyword research to find low hanging keyword with about 100 QSR (Quoted search results) as per our Jaxxy keyword reasarch platform attractive and best content and some questionable content for engaggement of our valuable audience.
We should need to arrange relavant keyword to our page tittle and subtttile and good discription that important role for evaluation of SEO.
Use Suitable and relevant SEO tittle, seo description and seo keyword for further evaluation.
Social Media Engaggement
Social media engaggement is also effect way to find sharing among public to get organic traffic. We may get a log of like and comment on these platform.The popluar platform of social media is facebook, twitter, instagram and pinterest, which are the best source to get the traffic.We should post our article on these platform on regular basis and monitor these traffic through google analytic
Google analytics for organic Traffic
Google analytic is the best platform where we can monitor our all type of traffic.We can first sign it free set up it property with your website and log in to this platform. Here we can observe organic, referral, direct and paid traffic. We can find how many traffic / visitors land here through these traffic sources. We can also track our return of investment. Google analyric dan categorized in these Acquisition, Behavior and conversion.
ACQUISITION : In this section your vcisitors are categorized by search engine, social entwrok and wehsite referrals.
BEHAVIOUR : This refers that your visitors are what page they are looking for and what action are they done on your site.
CONVERSION : It indicates that their activities that measure the attachment with you such as sign up your website/email, leads or purchasing a products
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