So I Had a Thought….
This just came to me as I was sitting on my couch, working on getting my articles onto Pinterest to get more traffic to my site…
With the holiday season upon us, especially for those of us who are just starting out and could use a little bump….
What if we shared our Amazon affiliate links so that if others are going to shop through Amazon, it could help others out here On WA?
I know for myself personally I’m still trying to get my first 3 sales to prove to Amazon that I’m serious about being an associate for them. I am sure there are others out there in the same boat.
So what I’m going to do is post my amazon associate links as a comment. If you use my link, like that comment. That way we can know if someone has already used that link.
If you find this article and want to help a fellow WA-er out, scroll till you see a comment that doesn’t have a like on it to help them out.
Please keep in mind that the purchase has to be within 24 hours of clicking the link.
Looking forward to helping everyone out who could use a little help this holiday season.
Angela M:)
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I know what you are saying, Angela, but for me, integrity in my business would say, "Let's not do that." That's just me, my first knee-jerk reaction.
I know it's nice to help each other out, but true success with our Amazon business links comes from following the teaching here at WA.
Others may disagree, but that's my feelings.
I am not looking for success to come from traffic being driven from WA. This would be for people who are just starting out with Amazon Afffiliate and need the 3 purchases to make sure that they stay in the program.
I don't see how it is any different than requesting comments or feedback for your website through WA.
I'm just looking to help people get off the ground who may be new, or never sold anything before.
Angela M :)
Is this allowed? Self promotion is generally not allowed here. But what you are suggesting is that we should all post links and help each other out. I need one more sale on Amazon to clinch my three required sales. Maybe some one who knows can chime in
I feel that it is the same as requesting comments or feedback on your website. I am not looking to drive traffic from WA, nor am I hoping that this will be my source of income.
I am only looking to give some extra help for those who want to get started with amazon affiliates.
The way I suggested, you can see if someone has 3 likes on their link and know that person has their 3 sales and not to click that link.
Just a way to help those just getting started, give a little bump, and make sure that our family here at WA gets into the amazon associate program if that's what they are aiming for.
Angela M :)
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Hey Angela,
Please remove your Amazon link. Take a look at this training: How to Show Amazon Love! Try helping this way. I am willing to be part of your holiday team.
All the best,
Maxine :)