Focus and determination is the key!


I want to share with you shortly of what I realised in nearly 4 months being at WA and doing an affiliate marketing.

As all the tools and lessons are provided here, you just focus and continue of what you are doing. The main core of what I found works the best and what is so obvious - is just writing a lot of good content + continuing doing that.

My website is 3 months old, I don't have a sale yet and yes sometimes I have tough days. But statistics are motivating me in these moments. Before, I would never get visitors from Google, or maybe 3 clicks total in a MONTH. All the visitors were only WA members. I kept writing.

Now, I started to notice a consistency. Every day I get 2-3 organic clicks from Google (yes it's so little, for many it might be even funny) but this is still a beginning for me but I see it's working. Now I need just to continue writing to double, triple that, etc. It's so small things but it only shows that it is working.

Yes there were days when I lost my motivation. But I kept doing this because I have a big image in my head of what I want to be in the future. It's mostly about the money, but not only. I know affiliate marketing can bring me there.

Other VERY VERY important "secret" is - use only long tail keywords, that has as much as possible monthly searches and article power not less than 8! This helped me so so much! I see huge difference of how my posts are ranking.

Also, one small success that one post are on the second page of Google which you can find not even with a keyword but with another term (which people are typing in Google and coming to my website from it - you can notice that in Google Webmaster Tools.

Now I'm writing one new post EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Let's see where it takes me.

Keep pushing!

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Recent Comments


I agree with the long-tail keywords. It is much easier to include with with a natural writing style and you pick up the low hanging fruit. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Kev

You will get there. nice work

Good experience and good post Jolita. Keep it up, You'll get there!

You have the right attitude for success and I wish you all the best :)

Keep pushing forward :)

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