llegando a la sima
¿Alguna vez has anhelado la libertad financiera? Quiero decirte que estás en el lugar correcto, y si eres de los que han buscado un lugar para generar tus ingresos, te digo con certeza que este es el lugar que necesitas, tendrás miles de oportunidades, y si en algún momento has querido salir de este sitio te aconsejo que pienses un poco más , porque te aseguro que aún no has descubierto, la mina que está aquí, y si sientes que es difícil continuar, por favor siéntate frente a tu ordenador y sigue la lección, no importa Si repites la lección, pero no te rindes, al final te reirás del triunfo y la frustración y la desesperación sólo habrá sido olvidada , porque verá el resultado de su gran esfuerzo y logros. Y tendrás la libertad financiera que siempre has anhelado.
Hay 5 tipos de personas:
1 El que mira y no anda solo ve al que llega al sima.
2 El que camina negativo y sin esfuerzo,
3 El que anda positivo aunque le cueste.
5 El que alcanzó el sima.
¿Con cuál de estas personas te identificas, cuál es tu lugar?
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Rio is looking good. The dream then a plan but remember, nothing happens unless something gets done.
Gracias Ana, pienso que alcance mis sueños varias veces en mi vida. Siempre los busqué y felizmente logré. El número 1 es la familia que logré formar. Me alegra leer el idioma que manejo y te felicito por eso. Hasta pronto y continúa así.
Hola Ana,
Creo que te estás perdiendo el cuarto tipo de persona. Creo que me acercaría al abismo y trataría de bajar con una soga. Saludos cordiales, Andy
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Beautiful writing Ana!
I think I'm a 3 right now.
Some times I can barely walk and it hurts to walk. But if I need to get it done, I will get it done.
It costs more in regrets if you don't go.
No one "can do you. What you must do for yourself!"
No one can go for you. If you are called to do it, know your self, enjoy the journey, be alert, put your soul into it, be all in!
Pay attention to the signs as you go, Is that devil a tiger, or that tiger a devil? Will you defeat both of them? You must figure out who is who, really who. And who are you?
This must be done for you to not be defeated. This must be done to defeat and identify the true tiger and to properly defeat it!
This must be done to identify the true devil, and to properly defeat it. That one doesn't fight fare, so watch out!
And the same thing for identifying the old parts of your self that are not fit for this journey into the future, and must die here and now.
They were already just a dead weight, a burden you carry, for no good reason. Let them go!
Living is not a spectator sport.
You will not get you the keys to the kingdom unless you stand out from the other suitors.
And then you still have to have made proof that you earned those keys to the kingdom, and that you are a noble and worthy person of mastering the keys, and a steward of those keys into your future.
You are being made stronger in every way, every day. If
you went down into the chasm, and are not strong enough to come back out, chances are you are staying in there.
Do you have the extra, above just ordinary "will", unstoppable desire to get up, get moving, do what is uncomfortable, to get out of the chasm of old habits, relationships that relate less and less to your success? Get up! Let's move now!
It will be painful! So what, some of the best things in life are painful. What mommy remembers the pain of birth, once the baby is in her arms?
Are your words vitally important enough to take their place, and be heard?
At WA help is at your fingertips. You are not alone unless you want to be.
You are going to add value to yourself as a steward, and over the keys of life you will add the value Creator God made you alone to deposit here.
Yes, I said deposit here. Hold nothing back, give everything, and every thing and more will flow back in abundance to you. Law of Attraction in Action,
A chasm is just a mountain flipped inside out, upside down
What you going to do about it?
Just Zaying!