1,000 Niches You Can Try Right Now
A niche is a specific topic catering to a specific audience. You will always find frequent travelers in the travel niche planning their next destination. Dog lovers are found in the dog niche shopping for the hottest dog supplies for their beloved canine friends and more.
Do you have to setup a website/blog based on a popular niche? Of course not!
It’s possible for you to make money in a niche rarely discussed. You can make money in many niches from backpacking tours to welding. The choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless!
Which niche will you start? I’ve gathered over 1,000 niches you can try right now.
Some may work more than others. It doesn’t hurt to keep trying until you find the right one. (NOTE: Freelance writers looking for a new niche may find this helpful too!)
1. 3D Printing
2. 4-Wheelers
1. Abstract art
2. Acne treatment
3. Acrobatics
4. Acting
5. Acupuncture
6. Adobe office suite
7. Adoption
8. Adult comics
9. Advanced Placement Curriculum (AP)
10. Adventure tours
11. Advertising
12. Affiliate marketing
13. African safaris
14. African travel
15. African-American history
16. African-American living
17. Aikido
18. Air filters
19. Air travel
20. Alaskan cruises
21. Alcoholism recovery
22. Alkaline diets
23. Alligator care
24. Alpaca farming
25. Alpine climbing
26. Alternative energy
27. American ninja training
28. American sign language
29. American southwest living
30. Amish living
31. Amusement parks
32. Anatomy
33. Ancient alien theories
34. Ancient city tours
35. Ancient Egypt
36. Anglophilia
37. Animal sanctuaries
38. Animation
39. Anime
40. Anime conventions
41. Anime cosplay
42. Anorexia recovery
43. Anti-aging
44. Antique books
45. Antique cars
46. Antique clocks
47. Antique guns
48. Antique shopping
49. Antique toys
50. Apartment living
51. App creation
52. Apps
53. Aquaponics
54. Aquariums
55. Arabic lessons
56. Archaeology
57. Archery
58. Arctic travel
59. Arithmetics
60. Army training
61. Aromatherapy
62. Art history
63. Art supplies
64. Artificial intelligence
65. Ascetic living
66. Asexuality
67. Asian cinema
68. Asian cooking
69. Asian cruises
70. Asian living
71. Asian travel
72. Astrology
73. Astronomy
74. Atheism
75. Athletic wear
76. Atlanta living
77. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
78. Australia
79. Autism
80. Ayurveda
81. Aztec culture
1. Babies
2. Baby animal care
3. Babysitting
4. Back pain
5. Backpacking
6. Badminton
7. Baha’i living
8. Bahamas
9. Baking
10. Bali
11. Bar drinks
12. Barn building
13. Baseball
14. Baseball cards
15. Basket weaving
16. Basketball video games
17. Basque language
18. Bat care
19. Bathroom repair
20. Baton twirling
21. Bats
22. Battleships
23. Battling addiction
24. BBQ
25. Beach volleyball
26. Beaches
27. Beading
28. Beanie Babies
29. Beauty tips
30. Beekeeping
31. Biathlon
32. Big dogs
33. Bigfoot hunting
34. Bipolar disorders
35. Bird watching
36. Birds
37. Birthdays
38. Bitcoin
39. Black and white cinema
40. Black films
41. Black love
42. Blackjack
43. Blacksmithing
44. Blindness
45. Blockbuster movies
46. Blogging
47. Blood pressure
48. Board games
49. Boats
50. Body detox
51. Bodybuilding
52. Bollywood
53. Bookbinding
54. Books
55. Boston living
56. Bouldering
57. Bowhunting
58. Bowling
59. Boxing
60. Braille
61. Brain hacking
62. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
63. Break-up recovery
64. Breast cancer treatments
65. Breastfeeding
66. Brewery
67. Bridal showers
68. Broadway
69. Brunch
70. Buddhist living
71. Budget tips
72. Buffalo
73. Buffalo burger recipes
74. Buffalo farming
75. Bugs
76. Bulimia treatments
77. Bungee jumping
78. Burgers
79. Business
80. Business loans
81. Business start-ups
82. Business to Business Marketing (B2B)
1. Cactus gardening
2. Cakes
3. California wine
4. Calligraphy
5. Cameras
6. Camping
7. Camping gear
8. Canada
9. Canadian living
10. Cancer treatments
11. Candle making
12. Candles
13. Candy
14. Canoeing
15. Cantonese lessons
16. Canyoning
17. Car repairs
18. Car safety
19. Card tricks
20. Cardio exercises
21. Careers
22. Caribbean cruises
23. Caribbean islands
24. Caribbean travel
25. Cars
26. Castle tours
27. Castles
28. Cats
29. Caving
30. Celeb lifestyles
31. Celebrity gossip
32. Celebrity home tours
33. Celibacy
34. Cell phones
35. Cellulite removal
36. Chakras
37. Channeling
38. Charleston living
39. Cheerleading
40. Cheese making
41. Chemistry
42. Chess
43. Chicago living
44. Chicken coops
45. Chicken farming
46. Childfree lifestyle
47. Children’s movies
48. Children’s TV shows
49. Chinchillas
50. Chinese cooking
51. Chocolate
52. Christian dating
53. Christian living
54. Christmas
55. Cigars
56. Civil War
57. Civil war reenactments
58. Classic video games
59. Classical music
60. Clocks
61. Clown makeup
62. Clown training
63. Club music
64. Coaching
65. Coding
66. Coffee
67. Coffee tours
68. Coin collections
69. College debt
70. College football
71. Coloring
72. Comic drawing lessons
73. Comics
74. Computer programming
75. Computer repairs
76. Computers
77. Concerts
78. Condo living
79. Conspiracy theories
80. Consulting
81. Cooking
82. Cooking oils
83. Copywriting
84. Cosmetic dentistry
85. Cosmetic surgery
86. Cosplay
87. Costumes
88. Country music
89. Couponing
90. Cowboy boots
91. Cowboy hats
92. CPR lessons
93. Creative writing
94. Credit repairs
95. Cricket
96. Crocheting
97. Cross-country running
98. Crossfit
99. Crowdfunding
100. Cruises
101. Cryptozoology
102. Crystals
103. Cupcakes
104. Curling
105. Custom T-Shirts
106. Cycling
1. Dairy-free recipes
2. Dancing
3. DASH diets
4. Dating
5. Dating after 50
6. Deafness
7. Dealing with depression
8. Dealing with insomnia
9. Debt
10. Deer hunting
11. Defensive driving
12. Dentist supplies
13. Dentistry
14. Desert living
15. Dessert recipes
16. Diabetes
17. Diamond jewelry
18. Diamonds
19. Digital art
20. Digital nomad lifestyle
21. Digital photography
22. Dirt bike racing
23. Disney
24. Divorce
25. DIY tips
26. DJing
27. DNA testing
28. Dog training
29. Dogs
30. Dolls
31. Dolphins
32. Dowsing
33. Drag king fashion
34. Drag queen fashion
35. Drawing
36. Dream interpretation
37. Driving lessons
38. Drones
39. Dropshipping
40. Drug addiction recovery
41. Druidism
42. Duck farming
43. Duck hunting
44. Ducks
45. Dungeons & Dragons
1. Eagles
2. Easter Island tours
3. Eating
4. eBook publishing
5. Ecolodges
6. E-Commerce
7. Education
8. Egypt
9. E-learning
10. Electric bikes
11. Electric lawn mowers
12. Elvis Presley collectibles
13. E-mail marketing
14. Embroidery
15. Employment
16. Energy drinks
17. Engineering
18. English teaching
19. Entrepreneurship
20. Erectile dysfunction
21. Escape rooms
22. Esoteric books
23. eSports
24. Essential oils
25. European cruises
26. Exotic pets
27. Expatriate living
28. Extra income
29. Eye care
1. Facebook tips
2. Fairies
3. Fairy gardens
4. Falconry
5. Fall traveling
6. Family lifestyle
7. Family travel
8. Fantasy (dragons, magic, wizards, etc.)
9. Fantasy football
10. Farming
11. Farming equipment
12. Fashion
13. Fatherhood
14. Female erectile dysfunction
15. Feminism
16. Feminist books
17. Feminist comics
18. Fencing
19. Feng Shui
20. Fermentation
21. Ferrets
22. Ferris Wheels
23. Festivals
24. Fetish wear
25. Fighter jet planes
26. Figure skating
27. Finances
28. Financial aid
29. Fire alarms
30. Fire pits
31. Fire prevention
32. First aid training
33. Fish
34. Fishing
35. Fishing supplies
36. Fitbits
37. Fitness
38. Flowers
39. Fly fishing
40. Food
41. Food allergies
42. Food photography
43. Food preservation
44. Food trucks
45. Foodie travel
46. Foot care
47. Football
48. Football video games
49. Foreign films
50. Foreign languages
51. Forest fire prevention
52. Forex
53. Fortnite
54. Fortune telling
55. Foster living
56. Fox care
57. Francophilia
58. Freelance writing
59. French living
60. French wine
61. Fruit gardens
62. Fundraising
63. Furniture
64. Furry costumes
65. Furry lifestyle
1. Gambling
2. Gamer cosplay
3. Gamer dating
4. Gaming
5. Gaming apps
6. Gaming hardware
7. Gap year travel
8. Garage door repairs
9. Garage sales
10. Gardening
11. Gay lifestyle
12. Geek lifestyle
13. Genealogy
14. Geocaching
15. Geology
16. Geometry lessons
17. Geriatrics
18. German lessons
19. German living
20. German tours
21. Ghost hunting
22. Ghostwriting
23. Glassware
24. Glute workouts
25. Gluten-Free foods
26. Gold
27. Gold jewelry
28. Golf carts
29. Golf lessons
30. Gothic clothing
31. Grant writing
32. Graphic design
33. Greek cuisine
34. Green cleaning
35. Green living
36. Green pesticides
37. Greenhouses
38. Grilling recipes
39. Guitar lessons
40. Gullah Geechee culture
41. Gun safety
42. Guns
43. Gunsmithing
44. Gymnastics
1. Hair loss
2. Hair products
3. Halloween
4. Handicap care
5. Hangover cures
6. Harp lessons
7. Harps
8. Hats
9. Haunted travels
10. Hawaii travel
11. Hawaiian cruises
12. Headphones
13. Health bars
14. Healthy living
15. Hearing aids
16. Helicopter lessons
17. Helicopter tours
18. Herbs
19. High school life
20. Hindi lessons
21. Hispanic cooking
22. Historic churches
23. Historic tours
24. History
25. Hobbies
26. Hockey
27. Holidays
28. Holistic living
29. Hollywood
30. Hollywood tours
31. Homebrewery
32. Home cleaning
33. Home renovations
34. Home theatre
35. Homeschooling
36. Honey
37. Hormone balancing
38. Horror movies
39. Horror video games
40. Horse therapy
41. Horses
42. Horseshoes
43. Horticulture
44. Hot air balloon lessons
45. Hot air balloon tours
46. Hot sauces
47. Hotels
48. House alarms
49. House painting
50. House sitting
51. Hunting
52. Husky sledding
53. Hypnosis
54. Hypoallergenic pets
1. Ice figure skating
2. Ice fishing
3. Ice hotels
4. Ice sculpting
5. Identity theft protection
6. Illustration
7. Indian reservations
8. Indian travel
9. Indoor gardening
10. Instagram tips
11. Insurance
12. Inter-Baccalaureate Curriculum (IB)
13. International traveling
14. Internet safety
15. Internet scams
16. Interracial dating
17. Inuit living
18. Island living
19. Italian cooking
20. Italian wine
1. Jamaica
2. Japan living for African-Americans
3. Japanese cooking
4. Japanese dolls
5. Japanese flowering arranging
6. Japanese lessons
7. Japanese pop (Jpop)
8. JavaScript
9. Jazz
10. Jewelry
11. Jewish living
12. Jousting
13. Judo
14. Juggling
1. Kanji lessons
2. Kapla blocks
3. Kayaking
4. Kendo
5. Keto diet
6. Kickboxing
7. Kids’ science projects
8. Kids’ wear
9. Kimchi
10. Kites
11. Kitten care
12. Knight armor
13. Knitting
14. Knives
15. Koi ponds
16. Kombucha
17. Korean pop (Kpop)
18. Krav Maga
1. Lacrosse
2. Lamps
3. Landscaping
4. LARP-ing
5. Las Vegas
6. Latin lessons
7. Latina living
8. Latino living
9. Law of attraction
10. Lawnmowers
11. LGBTQIA lifestyle
12. League of Legends
13. Leather furniture
14. Leather jackets
15. Legal advice
16. Lego
17. Library science
18. Life coaching
19. Life hacks
20. Lighthouses
21. Limousines
22. Lingerie
23. Linux
24. Literature
25. Livestocks
26. Living abroad
27. Lizards
28. Llama farming
29. Local events
30. Log cabins
31. Logistics
32. Lolita fashion
33. Long life living
34. Long-distance dating
35. Los Angeles
36. Los Angeles tours
37. Lottery scratch ticket tips
38. Love
39. Luciferian lifestyle
40. Lumber
41. Luxury cars
42. Luxury homes
43. Luxury living
44. Luxury resorts
1. Magic tricks
2. Mahjong
3. Man Cave building
4. Mandarin lessons
5. Manga
6. Manicures
7. Maori culture
8. Marathon running
9. Marijuana
10. Marine biology
11. Marine life
12. Marketing
13. Marriage
14. Martial arts
15. Massage therapy
16. Maternity clothing
17. Mattresses
18. Medical conditions
19. Medieval costumes
20. Medieval weapons
21. Meditation
22. Mediterranean diet
23. Mediterranean travel
24. Men’s hairstyles
25. Men’s wear
26. Menopause
27. Menopause for men
28. Mental health
29. Metal detectors
30. Metalwork
31. Mexican tours
32. Mexico
33. Micro pigs
34. Microsoft Office
35. Middle eastern foods
36. Middle Eastern traveling
37. Military training
38. Millennial entrepreneurship
39. Millennial lifestyle
40. Millennial travel
41. Millennials
42. Mime training
43. Minecraft
44. Minimalism
45. Minimalist living
46. MMA cage fighting
47. Mobile gaming
48. Model ship building
49. Modeling
50. Mommy blogging
51. Money
52. Mongolian BBQ
53. Monkeys
54. Morocco
55. Morse code
56. Mortgages
57. Motherhood
58. Motorcycles
59. Mountain climbing
60. Movies
61. Muay Thai
62. Music
63. Muslim living
64. Muteness
65. Mystery shopping
1. Nail art
2. Nail polish
4. Native American life
5. Natural baby care
6. Natural care
7. Nature
8. Nature trails
9. Navy life
10. Necklaces
11. Needlework
12. Nerd dating
13. New Age/Metaphysics
14. New Orleans cooking
15. New York City living
16. New Zealand
17. New Zealand living
18. New Zealand travel
19. Niche websites
20. Niches
21. Nightclubs
22. Ninjutsu
23. Nintendo games
24. No bake desserts
25. No bake recipes
26. Non-Smoking
27. Nootropics
28. Nordic skating
29. Numerology
30. Nursing
31. Nutrition
1. Occultism
2. Oculus Rift
3. Off the grid living
4. Office supplies
5. Olympic training
6. Olympics
7. Online business
8. Online dating
9. Online gambling
10. Online jobs
11. Online marketing
12. Online schools
13. Opera concerts
14. Opera singing
15. Organic clothing
16. Organic foods
17. Organic gardening
18. Organic kitchenware
19. Origami
20. Outback living
21. Outback survival
22. Outback travel
23. Outdoor gear
24. Overwatch
1. Pacific islands cruises
2. Pacific Islander life
3. Pacific travel
4. Pain relief
5. Paintball gear
6. Painting
7. Paleo diet
8. Paleontology
9. Palm reading
10. Parachuting
11. Parakeets
12. Paranormal
13. Parenting
14. Parkour
15. Party planning
16. PC gaming
17. Peanut allergies
18. Penny stocks
19. Performing arts
20. Perfume
21. Permaculture
22. Pet adoptions
23. Pet friendly hotels
24. Pet friendly restaurants
25. Pet hotels
26. Pet sitting
27. Pet travel
28. Pets
29. Philosophy
30. Photoshop
31. Piano lessons
32. Pig farming
33. Piloting
34. Pinterest tips
35. Pirates
36. Planes
37. Plant care
38. Playstation games
39. Plumbing
40. Podcasting
41. Pokemon
42. Pokemon card tournaments
43. Poker
44. Pole dancing
45. Polka
46. Polo
47. Poly dating
48. Pool supplies
49. Pottery
50. Power tools
51. Powerpoint lessons
52. Pregnancy
53. Printmaking
54. Productivity
55. Protein shakes
56. Psychic abilities
57. PTSD treatments
58. Public Speaking
59. Puppy care
60. Puzzles
61. Python
1. Quail hunting
2. Quails
3. Quilting
1. Rabbits
2. Racecars
3. Racing
4. Racquetball
5. Rafting
6. Rapping
7. Rats
8. Raw food diet
9. Real estate
10. Real estate investing
11. Reality TV gossip
12. Recycling
13. Reflexology
14. Reggae
15. Reiki
16. Renaissance fairs
17. Restaurants
18. Retirement Living
19. Rings
20. Road trips
21. Robotics
22. Rodeo
23. Roller coasters
24. Royalty
25. Rugby
26. Running
27. Running shoes
28. Rural living
29. Russia
30. Russian language lessons
31. Russian living
32. RVs
1. Safaris
2. Safety
3. Salads
4. Salsa dancing
5. Samba
6. Sand art
7. Sandwiches
8. SAT/ACT prep
9. Scandinavian travel
10. Scandinavian travel
11. Scholarships
12. School financial aid
13. School supplies
14. Science
15. Science-Fiction genre
16. Sci-Fi conventions
17. Scrapbooking
18. Scriptwriting
19. Scuba diving
20. Sculpting
21. Seafood cooking
22. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips
23. Seasonal travel
24. Segway tours
25. Segways
26. Self-defense
27. Self-healing
28. Self-help
29. Self-help books
30. Sex
31. Sex toys
32. Shakespeare
33. Shampoo
34. Sharks
35. Sheep farming
36. Sheep shearing
37. She-shed building
38. Shintoism
39. Shoes
40. Shopping
41. Single lifestyle
42. Single parenthood
43. Six Flags
44. Skiing
45. Skin care
46. Skydiving
47. Sleep hacks
48. Sleeping disorders
49. Small dogs
50. Smoothies
51. Snakes
52. Snowboarding
53. Soap bar making
54. Soap operas
55. Soccer
56. Soccer video games
57. Social media
58. Socks
59. Soda
60. Solo travel
61. Songwriting
62. Soul food
63. Soup
64. South American travel
65. Southeast Asian travel
66. Southern living
67. Space operas
68. Spain
69. Spanish lessons
70. Spartan training
71. Speed dating
72. Spiders
73. Spiritual travel
74. Spirituality
75. Sports video games
76. Stamps
77. Stay-at-home Dad life
78. Stay-at-home Mom life
79. Steak recipes
80. Steampunk cosplay
81. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
82. Stock market
83. Stock trading
84. Street Fighter tournaments
85. Stress relief
86. Study abroad
87. Study hacks
88. Succulent gardening
89. Suits
90. Summer clothing
91. Superhero comics
92. Surfboarding
93. Surgery
94. Survivalist
95. Swahili lessons
96. Sweaters
97. Swimming lessons
98. Swimwear
99. Swiss travel
100. Switzerland
101. Sword fighting
1. Table tennis
2. Taekwondo
3. Tai chi
4. Taiwan living for Americans
5. Talent agencies
6. Tanks
7. Taoism
8. Tarantula care
9. Taxes
10. Taxidermy
11. Tea
12. Teaching
13. Technical writing
14. Technology
15. Tech gadgets
16. Teddy bears
17. Teen driving lessons
18. Tents
19. Testicular cancer treatments
20. Texas hold’em
21. Tex-Mex cooking
22. Theatre
23. Tidiness tips
24. Tiny homes
25. Toddler care
26. Tourism
27. Toy collections
28. Toys
29. Tractors
30. Trains
31. Transgender lifestyle
32. Travel blogging
33. Travel budget tips
34. Travel gear
35. Travel hacks
36. Travel noir
37. Travel photography
38. Travel tips
39. Treasure hunting
40. Trends
41. Twitter tips
1. UFOs
2. Underwater photography
3. Underwear
4. United Kingdom travel
5. Urban farming
6. Urban living
7. Urdu lessons
8. USA travel
1. Vans
2. Vaping
3. Vegan restaurants
4. Veganism
5. Vegetable gardens
6. Vegetarianism
7. Veteran lifestyle
8. Video Game conferences
9. Viking costumes
10. Vinyl records
11. Violin lessons
12. Violins
13. Virtual reality
14. Virtual reality games
15. Vitamins and minerals
16. Vlogging
17. Volcano tours
18. Volleyball
19. Volunteerism
20. Voodoo/Hoodoo
1. Walking exercises
2. Walking tours
3. Water filters
4. Watches
5. Water polo
6. Watercolor painting
7. Wealth
8. Weather
9. Weaves
10. Website building
11. Wedding dresses
12. Wedding planning
13. Weddings
14. Weight gain
15. Weight loss
16. Weight training
17. Weight training equipment
18. Weird history
19. Weird science
20. Western living
21. Western movies (cowboys, Clint Eastwood, etc.)
22. Whale watching
23. Wiccan living
24. Wigs
25. Window repair
26. Wine
27. Wine tours
28. Winter clothing
29. Winter holidays
30. Witch lifestyle (spells, herbalism, etc.)
31. Women’s hairstyles
32. Women’s wear
33. Wood making
34. Wordpress
35. Work from home jobs
36. Work from home lifestyle
37. World Cup
38. World of Warcraft
39. Writing
40. Writing children’s books
41. Writing competitions
42. Writing opportunities
43. Writing retreats
44. Writing supplies
1. Yachts
2. Yoga
3. Yoga retreats
4. Yorkshire terriers
5. Young Adult books
1. Zoos
2. Zumba
Recent Comments
WOW...this is an awesome list...I would've never thought about all these ideas. Thanks for sharing this...
Great information - very useful!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Wish you smashing success!
Wow Alexandria, that is some list. I am sure that many people will be bookmarking this post - us included.
All the best
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Great work.
Thanks! 😄