Visitors From The USA And Our Shared Heritage
Hi Everyone,
I hope you had a great week, and are enjoying your weekend!
I was extremely pleased to welcome my son and his wife and children to stay at our house in Hampshire England this week for a short holiday. I hadnt seen my son for eight years so their visit was well overdue.
During the last 8 years their children have grown dramatically, and it was great to see them again. I took this opportunity to take a few days off from my online business to spend some quality time with them.
It was interesting to get an update on the way things are in the US and compare them with things in the UK. Obviously with the world being in such a mess, there was not much that we could talk about that any of us are able to actually control:-), so we kept focussed on family and what we can control and influence.
It was good just to see the way that my son's children, my American grandchildren, have developed into well educated and polite teenagers, and how they appreciated the shared heritage that there is between our two countries. It was a real pleasure to have them stay.
Today we visited Windsor Castle and saw the luxury and opulence displayed to the public in the Kings and Queens apartments and reception rooms. The artwork and ornaments and pottery, armour and weapons on display were truly amazing, and these priceless collections have been assembled over 1000 years of evolving monarchies. The ruling monarch Charles III was in residence, as the Union Jack flag was flying from the mast over the Tower of the castle, another quaint tradition in a troubled world.
The first tower at Windsor Castle was built by William The Conqueror the new Norman King of England in 1066, after he defeated and killed the previous Anglo Saxon King of England, Harold, at the Battle Of Hastings. Just yesterday we visited the coastal village of Bosham in West Sussex, and there is a tapestry on the wall of the small church of St Andrews in the Parish of West Stoke near Chichester wherein is displayed a tapestry recording the fact that King Harold visited this little church in 1064, 2 years before he was killed at the battle of Hastings.
Between that first tower of Windsor Castle built by a new Norman King there has been 1000 years of history and our countries has evolved into the most advanced First World societies.
It is quite mind blowing that in this age of jet aeroplanes and easy international travel, where passengers from all over the world can travel to one anothers countries in hours, you can still get in touch with relics from byegone eras. We live in a tiny country, the British Isles or United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland where you can actually walk in the footsteps of places where Kings actually lived walked and died.
I have been building my network of international connections related to my property investment and development business using the latest of technology, and I communicate with many people all over the world quite regularly, many of whom share an Anglo Saxon or British or US Heritage.
I think amongst all this technology, it is important that we remember just who we are as people, and where we have come from and how our respective countries evolved into the greatest democracies in the world.
We should remember that we are all human beings and we should act and behave with good intentions to one another and cherish our values our ethics, and our history, because we evolved from this ancient history, which was on occasions harsh and bloody into peace loving nations.
I certainly value the peace that we currently enjoy and would not like to see the wars that are ongoing in Europe and the Middle East spread to anywhere else, and indeed I pray every day that they will end as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend ahead wherever you are in the world!
Recent Comments
Sounds like you all had a fantastic time Alan.... nothing is more important than family my friend! :-)