This Is How Beurocracy and Red Tape Slows Everything Down

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Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a nice weekend.

Last week has been very frustrating for us. Yesterday we received rejection of our proposal to make a building that we are purchasing into Specialized Supported Housing for vulnerable and disabled people. Yet today, it appears there are second thoughts on the part of the decision maker, and maybe they will change

So what! you may say, and few would think twice about this little setback. The problem is really the indecision, which wastes that most valuable asset - TIME.

Meanwhile we are embarking on another route to develop the site, where we are in control of what we decide to do, thus taking the brakes off our development.

The worst thing you can do is to do nothing, you must constantly be prepared to modify and update your next action, based on the evolving situation.

A different purpose for the buildings means that different criteria are applied to lending, so everything must be calculated and re-calculated to ensure there has been no change to the cost model.

Sometimes it is difficult to keep lenders at the table, if things become protracted and decisions are held or kept in abeyance. So keepin all the stakeholders informed and engaged can be quite a challenge.

By far the best thing to do is to make a decision and stick to it, but that is easier said than done.

What do you think of bureaucracy? Are you affected by it at all where you live and in your business? Comment and let me know in the comments below, Id be interested to learn from you.



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It's an ever revolving piece of legislation which will never be fixed by this Government or any in the near future unfortunately Alan....

Sad but true my friend...

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