Family Ties Make It All Worthwhile

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Hi Everyone,

I hope you are keeping well and enjoying the weekend?

I had a rollercoaster week just finished, but yesterday there were a few good things happened.

Firstly it was my daughter´s birthday, and even though she is grown up and living abroad with her husband usually, it was really nice to have her at home with my wife and I just for a few weeks, and to celebrate her birthday together (she flies back on Monday evening, so we are not looking forward to wishing her farewell).

WhatsApp Skype and Facetime are really excellent for keeping in contact these days, but it is not quite the same as being able to see and hear and hug someone who is close to you.

Anyway, we are having a family and friends get together for her today at our house, so unusually for a Saturday I wont be working this afternoon, but we will be enjoying some relaxation and catching up with old family friends.

My mother is in a nursing home not far from where we live, so we mustnt forget about her today and I will pay her a visit possibly in the next couple of hours just to make sure she is well, and also to invite her to our house as well, and bring her here if she feels up to it, I hope she will.

Yesterday, apart from being my daughter´s birthday was the day I received a finance offer on a building that I have been negotiating for around 14 months now, so it was quite a relief to get the letter in hand from the funder.

Also one of my Youtube channels (Alpus Property Development) got past the 5000 subscribers level, which was positive news.

My other daughter visited us and it was nice to hear my wife and daughters chatting in the kitchen together like used to happen.

There were a couple of other things that made it on the whole a very positive feelgood day.

When I see the news on the television about the various war zones around the world I count my blessings and am grateful for the peace and tranquility in our lives. Also that we have clean water and enough to eat because there are plenty of people who do not even have that, let alone relative luxuries like internet access.

I wish you a happy and peaceful weekend wherever you live in the world.



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Recent Comments


Good morning Alan,

I'm pleased that you have your daughter home; I'm sure that's a wonderful thing for parents. I often think it's funny how parents bring up children and then they fly the nest! I appreciate that's perfectly normal, but it's probably difficult for parents at times.

Well done for reaching 5000 subscribers on your YouTube channel, Alan, that's good news. I appreciate that takes a lot of work, I believe you also have 5000 subscribers on another channel. But either way, that's great news.

It's always good to be grateful, Alan. I do find it amazing how some people have to leave, it's important that we are thankful for everything we have.

A very happy Sunday to you.


Family ties it all together, doesn't it? Glad you enjoyed that quality time.


Very interesting post. Family is priority. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your weekend.


Family is and should be the most important part of our lives Alan!

Happy to hear that you spent a fantastic time with your daughter on her birthday...

Nothing beats that!!

Where does she live though??

Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend! :-)

Amen to that, Alan: "When I see the news on the television about the various war zones around the world I count my blessings and am grateful for the peace and tranquility in our lives."

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