Journey thus far


It was indeed a long search looking for a genuine site on the internet on the topic of Making money online.

Towards the end of October 2015, I stumbled upon Steve`s website `Ivetriedthat` promoting WA. At first, I was not sure that I was at the right place, but after going through the WA website, I decided to give it a shot. I am glad that I made the right decision to stay and to learn how to create a website.I also learnt that to be successful in internet marketing, there is no other way other than to have your own website promoting whatever the product may be.

I am indeed proud to be a premium member of WA.The training that I have received, the wonderful people I have met, the support from Kyle and Carson and all the members has put me in a much better position compared to where I was when I started. Above all, the confidence that I have built that this is indeed the right place to land on to create a successful internet marketing business has improved many folds.

Having gone through the lessons, I am proud to say that I have been successful in creating my first ever website I wish to say a sincere thanks to all my fellow members who came forward to guide and give comments for the improvement of the site.

I am looking forward to following through more lessons as I progress. I have yet to come to the stage of the more important part of how to monetize my site.That is going to be very interesting.and I am eager to learn about it.

With the approach of 2016, just 2 days away, my goal is to sharpen my skills in the making of websites with the help of all the training and tutorials from fellow members. As I mature in this arena, I will be looking out for members whom I can help to learn together and make WA an even more awesome place to be in the world wide web. Ambassadorship and WA ranking are also to other areas that I would like to pay close attention to improve.

Wishing all fellow members a Happy New Year and every success in your endeavor in the coming year.

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Recent Comments


Hi AchuthanN1
Your website is very informative, great work.
Keep going and have fun learning:)
Cheers Anna

Thank you so much for the encouragement, Annash.
Hope you are getting along well too.

Yup, you are going to succeed. Keep it up

Suburban, your thus far is making your journey one to be proud of. I applaud you for upgrading to Premium. You have a great year. Congratulations!

Happy new year.

Thank you Arief. Wish you all success. Just reading your profile and realized that we are neighbors.

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