That took faster than I thought, a Brilliant Day! and without Advertisement!
Finally, I have started making some passive income,
It is interesting and encouraging to find your new website showing its results on search engines and even more visits and interactions every day. In fact, I made sure to implement everything said in the Wealthy Affiliate tutorial videos which are really beneficial and good.
Now, I don't just rely on what I earn from affiliate marketing but Google Adsense ads too.
In the beginning, I had Four people who participated through me with Wealthy Affiliate, and now they are over 16 people, regardless of whether they upgrade or not. But it is enough that I find a way to communicate with people and convince them of what I do.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement. :)
Recent Comments
Congratulations. Very nicely done. Having people follow you too is terrific.
If you are not already using the following, Google Analytics and Google Search Console will give you a great insight into what is happening with traffic on your site.
Here's to your continued success.
Thank you, I appreciate your words.
Yup I am connected to all Google siteKit, AdSense, Search Consol, and Analytics. And I have daily 1,000 visitors, wishing to reach 100K daily :)))))))
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Congrats, Amjed!
Awesome share!
Thank you :)