Chasing the Unicorn
Gretings all, so i have been learning all i can for a little over a week now. Learning as much as i can about a niche, pay for click, and backlinks. So basically i have learned that to find a niche, evaluate your passions, a good blog cannot be written without passion. When you find your passion then determine the audience for the passion. I'm at the point of trying to find a product to promote within my passion. Then I will build around the product \ passion. This is what I have been doing as my first week here. I hope I am on the right trac, now I must get back to chasing the Unicorn, I will call it that until I have made a sale. I want to think the others who have already started making sales for their stories. I will find the Unicorn!
Recent Comments
You definitely sound like you are on the right track. Love the expression - chasing the Unicorn. I hope that unicorn will lead you to the pot of Gold. :)
Congrats Landon, for going premium and for writing your first blog within WA. Well done and to be continued. To your success, Desmond.