Has a Special Someone Made an Impact on Your Life

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Outside your immediate family because no one could have more influence on me than my dad, has there been someone who has had an impact on your life? Maybe this special someone was an excellent teacher who gave you encouragement.

Could this special someone have been a member of your community? In my life a person who lived across the street from me was the one.

I grew up in a small town in the southeastern corner of the state of Kentucky. I went to the same school for 11 years--one year was spent in a one-room school at Buckeye, Kentucky.

The small, hometown school had an amazing group of teachers. One of these teachers impacted my life and played a major role in who I am today.

There were two teachers in this school who impacted my life, but I'm not sure it was their intentions to do so. Both told me that I would never make it in college. I used to send each my college GPA scores every year. Guess you could say that they motivated me to success even though their intentions weren't the best.

I was invited to preach in my hometown church long after I had begun my career in education. Nearly all my former teachers attended that Sunday.

When I told the audience that one of the teachers present this morning had made a major difference in my life, only one of them knew to whom I was speaking.

Because, I had the opportunity to tell this teacher how much she had meant to my advanced education and my career. I told her in person, and she cried. Of all the teachers I had throughout my educational career, she was one of the very best. Only an English professor in college could compete with her for that top honor.

Therefore, my challenge to you is--if there has been someone who has impacted your life that much--TELL THEM TODAY, IN PERSON, OR MAKE PLANS TO DO SO REALLY SOON!

Sometimes we know how much someone has affected our lives, but too often we fail to tell that special someone. Do it now before it becomes too late.

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Hi Howard, I read your post for the second time. By the time I got to the end of it, this feeling of being selfish came over me. I look at my previous comment, "Thanks for sharing". I feel kind of ashamed. I may be guilty of taking things for granted. I have so many people to be thankful for, the WA community and you. I apologize for reading your post in haste the first time. Blessings to you also.

No problem, Lesabre. I find myself being too busy to properly connect with others! Appreciate you, my friend!

Excellent challenge. Today may be the last chance you have. Life is not a given it is a blessing.

So true. Too often I take life for granted--even at my age. Blessings my dear!

Thanks for sharing

Certainly my privilege, Lesabre. Blessings.

Excellent advice, I wonder how many of us have missed opportunities to do this. lets bear this in mind people who have inspired/influenced us in our lives thus far. Thanks.

Great idea, Alan. Thanks for sharing! Blessings.

This is a wonderful post. Thank you. I have made it a point to tell the people who have influenced me in life. And none of them knew they were making an impact on me and my life.

We can make a difference in someone else's life and never know it.

But there is one person here on WA that has impacted everything I do and I would like to publically acknowledge her. Thank you for reminding me and giving me the opportunity to do so.

It is Vicki and I am sure so many will agree that she impacts many many lives.


Fantastic, Laura. Blessings my dear!

Great post!

Thanks, Sminman. My privilege.

Yes, people are most important! Paying it forward is an excellent blog, I hope it goes viral:)

So kind coming from someone who as a nurse plays it forward everyday of her life. Thanks for all you do Nurse Becca! Blessings.

This is really making me think. Many people have made a difference in my life. It always been those that have taught me something new about myself....encouraging me to be more than I was at that moment. But, ultimately, I had to act on their support.

Fantastic observation! The person of whom I wrote was this kind of person to me. She wasn't a friend nor treated me special. She challenged me to become more than I wanted for myself.
Thanks so much for your comments. Blessings.

The people who influence you are the people who believe in you.

Good observation. And so correct.

Thanks for sharing, Howard.

You're welcome, Rog! Blessings.

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