Why am I here?
What's happening WA family? How are you? I just read a blog from sag3 and it has me thinking. You know it's good to take a break from your work to renew and refresh yourself. It is also true that if you don't take a break to renew yourself you could get burned out and quit altogether. I know first hand especially coming from a 16 hour a day job the problems it causes. I remember when I went to get my kids from school and they asked who their teachers were I gave them the teachers names but check this out. They were the right teachers but those were the teachers from last year. Talk about embarrassing LOL but that's the kind of job I had.
It's things like that that made me want to start my business in the first place. It took a while to get here cause I was doing a lot of research. Seeing a lot of mixed reviews made me hesitate. You know reviews are good but sometimes you can't always go by reviews. Just because they didn't succeed does not mean that you wont succeed. When I was searching for work at home opportunities I came across Eddies Salomon website which began to usher me towards WA. The one thing that really stood out was the free trial I mean really free trial. I really appreciate Kyle and Carlson for giving people an opportunity like this. I love the fact that they are real people and they get involved with there members and I love the WA family who is also there to help.
Like everyone else I want to see everyone succeed with their business and get away from these slave jobs who care nothing about you or your family or friends. I am a believer that you can work and be successful and enjoy your life in this world. I want to thank Kyle and Carlson for sharing what they learned and working with us to help us all become successful. Remember and reflect on why you are here from time to time never lose site of this question because it is the very question that brought you here. Also have fun a take a break from time to time like sag3 said in his blog "This WEEKEND will be Busy" and be blessed.
Recent Comments
Good post. Yes, finding the motivation to get you moving and keep moving is the key to everything we do.
Great stuff!