I Just Upgraded
I have been online since 2001. I saw a lot of potential income being made on the internet. This is the first platform I have encountered that is spot on, for me to finally put everything together. I believe with the training and education provided I will achieve success at Wealthy Affiliate. I'm excited about my future, now more than ever. Thanks to WA!
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Hey Willie
I feel exactly the same way as what you stated on your blog
Start working through your modules and lets start kicking ideas around.
Congrats on upgrading to premium! I can appreciate your reluctance toward online business, yet still possessing the ability to see the potential it has. If it is one thing I have learned while living on this Earth, it is anything worth value must be earned.Anything that doesn't' most likely isn't worth anything at all. You have made a great choice. If you need any help, feel free to ask me.
You have made the right choice my friend. If there is ever any questions you may have, feel free to message me either on my profile or in a private message. I am usually here now for the next few hours and then I pop in regularly the rest of the day to check messages and other training too
Hi Williems! I wish you all of the success here! Take advantage of everything you can get here as a premium member. It's everything rolled into one. I learn lot of new things here and enjoy company of the community, they are all supportive and great.
One of the things I love most here is the "sitehealth" feature of the website hosting. It helps me monitor my performance on my sites and what I need to improve on it. Feel free to explore this great platform and take time to learn every course, lessons, live classes and more - things that online earners need to learn and learning is continuous as the internet keeps on improving and developing as well.
Have fun and have great years ahead!
Congrats!! You are going to love Premium with all the extra perks it comes with. It is a path for success. Good luck with everything in the future.
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Hey Williem keep going and working thru your modules this is a good site for learning and the chance to actually get a side gig if not a full time income from it, but it does take dedication.
My best to you