So far, so good!


So...I decided to start a blog. Mainly to (hopefully) make money. But I had absolutely no clue on how to do any of it. I knew I could come up with content. People are always suggesting that I write books, or they say I have a "way with words". So that wasn't an issue.My complete lack of technical knowledge, however, was not it the "pros" category on my "should I or shouldn't I" checklist. I started combing through posts. Googling my brains out. I found an old friend that had started a small blog and got some info from her as well. I was able to gather just enough info to get my site up. OK. What now???I was already lost. What do I do with this site now? I had gotten from point A to point B, but how do I get to point M or T? I wasn't expecting overnight success, but I really didn't have any direction at that point.I continued googling and searching and digging....and praying. I came across a website that looked promising. But it was incredibly unorganized. They offered a lot of webinars with very little info. It was about this time that I discovered my absolute abhorrence of webinars. These webinars are infuriating. I work full time, have kids, husband, dog, house all to take care of. I have very limited time to invest in this venture, so my time is extremely valuable to me. And whenever I found a video that promised to be informative and walk me through all I needed to know about making money online, only to have the person talk about their kids' halloween costumes, or their latest vacation, or spot's new toy, I was not happy. Turns out these people want to sucker you into watching a glorified sales pitch padded by excessive filler material. I was able to glean just enough information to know some things I needed to accomplish. But not enough info to know what order to do it in or how to make it happen.Then I came across Wealthy Affiliate. I was skeptical but intrigued enough to check it out. I signed up for the free membership. I saw the classes. My heart skipped a beat when I checked out the neat organization of the site. I took the first course. In one night! I was so excited! I had found what I was looking for. All in one tidy package. Joy!I did learn something very important when I tried to move my domain here. You can't do that if your domain is less than 60 days old. BUT...I knew how to do it now. Then tragedy struck. My site stopped working. Was it something I did? It had to be. I screwed up. I broke my website. I felt like a failure. For one whole day I sat, waiting for someone to fix my site back. All the while questioning if this was meant to be. Then the answer was a hack. Something in wordpress that I use was hacked and it screwed up my site. It wasn't my fault after all. The black cloud lifted.Once my site was running again (48 hours later), I resumed my course on WA. There are still a few things that aren't right with my site..but they are minor details and I am confident that I will figure them out soon. Or I'll get more support for that. I have greater confidence with the WA community by my side. I have found it to be a brilliant resource. Vital information, simple step by step instructions, pictures of what to look for...but most valuable is the moral support encouraged and fostered by this community. There is strength in numbers. WA has figured this out. I still have a long way to go. But I am taking steps every day, and each step is taking me closer to my goal. I'm on my way!!

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Hi Wendy, if I may ask, which hosting company are you currently using for your domain?

I'm using Bluehost

Start anywhere Wendy. Focus on how to maintain your doghouse! Build your blog on that!

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