Google Chrome Web Store - Free Apps & Extensions, etc
Was listening to magistudios teaching the other day and he made a statement that caught my ear. He said something like, "Google is our friend, not our enemy"! Not quoting of course.
But it just made a lot of sense. Then I happened on some website with a link to Google's Chrome Web Store and uncovered a pool of free apps and extensions from Google and others dealing with all sorts of stuff like SEO, Keywords, Webmaster tools, etc.
For some reason I just never knew about Google's Chrome Web Store and I'm thinking others might not either. So, go to and use the search bar for SEO, or SEO site tools, or SEO & web analysis.
These apps / extentions can be added to Chrome browser for easy access. I think you can also use them online by going to the specific website. Pretty cool stuff.
Have fun;
Recent Comments
Thanks for pointing it out, didn't know about it.