Become A Mobile App Developer - What?


Hey everyone,

I just launched a new site for any marketer looking to build mobile apps, If you are not aware, the mobile app business is booming and there is a huge gap in developers building apps for local businesses.

In fact, I have been building apps for businesses around my city and everyone one of those businesses are amazed of how affordable an app is for them. You can build an app and flip that app for a sale between $500-$2000 and this is just off one app.

The market is wide open and gives an opportunity to apply your online skills to offline businesses. I have offered businesses the help to optimize their websites or even build a website for them using WordPress along with their app development for additional costs. Even better, you don't need to have experience in sales once you build a demo app and show it to a business who is interested. Once they see their logo in an app, the deal is usually quick to wrap up.

If you are banging your head against the wall for internet marketing...stop and look out the window... I guarantee there is plenty of opportunities starting right back at you.

Take it easy

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The link is broken ?

Sounds good Hudson, it's a pretty cool thing to get involved in and is in a niche that not to many businesses are aware is possible.

Very interesting Vince. I had read a book on this but hadn't taken it any further, I will take a second look after your post

Thank you for sharing Watchdog. I agree completely, and am still amazed just how much local business is available to be tapped via related skills stemming from WA training. Just using the site rubix alone to study and practice creating websites has allowed me to develop relations with several local business. This app development site looks very interesting!

Hey August7ways

App development is a whole lot easier and fun when you don't have to worry about the "coding" aspect. I have marketed apps to pubs, bars, ski hills and my latest work to be set up is a pool hall. Surprisingly businesses want an app but believe that app development costs $5,000 plus . This belief has really helped me advance in getting app development contacts.

Along with the fun of getting those contracts is that I can be creative in building the apps. I love building websites so this was just a natural fit for me.

Thanks for commenting...let me know if I can answer any questions for ya


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