Should You Promote One Product or Multiple Ones When Starting Your Affiliate Business?
There is certainly no shortage of products you can promote in the affiliate marketing world, but there are extremes to this business in my experience that I would avoid such as promoting just 1 product all the time and nothing else, or the other side of the coin which is promoting anything/everything so you make a buck.
Ideally you want to promote 1 main product you believe in which brings in the main income source for you, then with extra time/effort start promoting other stuff in your niche (good quality products with good reviews). In general as you grow your online business, new opportunities to review/promote other products will naturally arise, and in that instance, I would take them as they come and grow based on that!
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Getting the balance right was one of the hardest things for me. And I have cut back on a lot of products and services.
Good post
Diversifying would be an option once you get the hang of it and are organized. So when unavoidable disruptions occur, you are still up and running...
Top-notch vlog short! I appreciate it, Vitaliy!
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Great insight to promoting. Like always, appreciate your commitment to sharing great business tips VitaliyG.