Blogging is like training
I am new to online business.
I do not know much about it. But I see some similarities with my daily job. I work with athletes. My job is to improve their fitness level to allow them to train harder in their sport and perform at their highest level at a particular time as well as minimizing injury risks.
I see similarities
To be able to train well in the gym, the athletes have to be taught skills- lifting skills. To be able to succeed in online marketing, I have to learn skills- how to make a website, create an engaging content, and suggest products to visitors.
To get stronger and faster, the athletes have to train regularly and consistently. Over time, their strength, power, speed, and other fitness components improve. To be able to create attractive content, I have to practice writing. And practice searching for good keywords. I noticed it became a bit easier for me to think of something to write. Now, I have to learn how to write with keywords in mind.
The General Adaptation Syndrome
A scientist named Dr. Hans Selye is credited for a theory on stress. It is the basis of how we train. In the General Adaptation Syndrome, it says that when we are exposed to new stress, we are initially overwhelmed. Then we develop resistance to it until we supercompensate. This means our ability now exceeds the stress. Basically we became better or stronger after a period of time being exposed to the stressor.
When I discovered WA, I was really excited. Then I was overwhelmed by the amount of information that I have to process. I still have a lot to learn but now I begin to notice small changes like it feels easier for me to think and write about a topic. Still needs a lot of improvement but had some improvement.
Let's Practice
So I will keep on working on these skills and knowledge until I reach my next level. It would be great to have some feedback, comments, and suggestions too. That is also another skill that I am trying to work on- giving comments. Why won't you practice giving me comments?
Now my writing practice is done for now, I have to practice lifting. Have a great day!
Recent Comments
I like the analogy! Best of luck :-)
Thanks John! Luck and hard work! :)
Right on there!! :-)