It's Only Week Three!
It's only week three and I am elated beyond the clouds! You can learn more about why in my new post, Help People Help People :)
Help People Help People
No, that title is not redundant ;) To help people help people (and dogs, etc) is why this site was created! Fewer things in life satisfy like helping others. Whether in need or crisis, choose a direction in life, or simply make a little money online, to help another get somewhere, achieve some goal, or merely understand a point...or two, is invigorating. Recent events in my life support this as fact.
It's Not about the Rating or Ranking
It really isn't. Sure, rating a full five stars is something to smile about. Ranking on the first page of results in a Google search would, I must admit, make me ecstatic. But over these past three weeks since joining Wealthy Affiliate (WA) the assistance I have been able to give to others has placed a fourth leg under my three-legged chair, so to speak. Just the other day a reader of my other blog, Pup Stop, posed an issue she had with her 5 month old pup. Truly, I would have rather shown her in a short video. To me that would have been more helpful. But I detailed out some things to try with him in a rather long paragraph. She was thrilled!
Why does it still surprise me when folks actually take my advice? Silly me.
I always loved helping people. Finding myself here, blogging of all things, I have found an outlet where I can help people reach out and help others--other people, their dogs... The possibilities are endless! The satisfaction from a simple expression of gratitude from a reader, which I will likely never meet, is beyond words.
The same thing happened again today. Instead of asking for advice, though, this person saw a short video I posted of an improvised toy I made for my pups. She was elated and extolled in her comments! Me? Gosh... Where do I start?
Do You Have Time?
Two of the resources deemed most precious and yet scant in our society are time and money. Too many of us think we have too little of each. How can we help anyone with so little time? Even more of us spend most of our time trying to earn that money. What does that leave us?
That ole tune, Cats in the Cradle by Harry Chapin, comes to mind.
Especially in this day and age where it is commonplace and deemed "necessary" for our kids to be raised by strangers (who are paid a pittance for something so great), we all need to redirect. Rather than helping our own children learn and grow, we shove them aside to go make that buck, that title, promotion...something. It should be no wonder that all too often these same people haven't the time to notice the person in need, right next to them. And most of these folks, I have observed, are stressed, on some type of medication and have little to no satisfaction in their lives.
These same people fail to realize that their time is relative. Clocks do not control who we are or what we do. Our choices do. Even winding that clock, setting the alarm, is a choice we make in control of our time.
If you find yourself in what I am saying here, stop that clock for a moment. Evaluate what you do with your time. Do you have "enough" time to accomplish all you "must" do in a day? How is your health at the end of a few of those days? A few weeks? How are your relationships? What is most important to you? And after that? And so on.... Really put some time into this ;)
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