How To Find and Follow Your Followers

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To find all of your followers, in case you'd like to follow them back, simply click on the number below the word "Network" on the left side of your profile page. Make someone's day and follow them!

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Thanks Tim. Our network is also found by clicking the 'View All' link under My Network over in the right sidebar of our profile page.

Thanks Tim, straight to the point post and very effective. I had been doing this the hard way for the past couple months. I don't know why I never thought of doing it this way. Sometimes the perfect solution is right in front of you.

I might also add something else that I discovered is that when you hover over one of your followers picture on the Network screen you can see their name. Example..."leave Tim a message". This way you can use their name instead of screen name. Seems a little more personal. Thanks again!

True. Excellent. Thanks. I am the king of having the answer right in front of my face and not seeing it. Plus, sometimes if something is really so drop dead simple I just won't get it, but I once solved a physics equation in my sleep. I woke up immediately and solved it on paper. That was when I really got into dreaming, OBEs and Lucid dreaming. I now lucid dream about 3 times per week. Wow, talk about one thing leads to another.

That comment made me laugh really hard! Thanks I needed that.

So, if you're the king of missing the obvious then I am not far behind. Even after learning this from you I still find myself going to my profile page, then to my network, then to my followers. Why is starting a new habit so hard! I guess I need to wait twenty eight days and then maybe I'll get it.

I'm really proud of how you solved your physics problem in your sleep. I think I could sleep for years and still not solve a physics problem. Keep up your strict lucid dreaming schedule and you will go far! :)

Thanks for sharing.

This is great since not everyone follow their followers. I follow over 2000 persons but have only 800 who follow back.

I just broke 601 have not look at the numbers.

Thank you for sharing - I just gave you a follow :)

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