Believe In Yourself
Good morning or evening to all wherever you are at. I hope that everyone has had a great start for 2022 and that the year only gets better for all. I was doing some studying this morning and like usual the inner critic inside my head started trying to convince me to just stop now before I embarrass myself, but thankfully because of my meditation, my studies, and practicing mindfulness I know that voice is full of bull.....! That got me to thinking that others might be struggling with that inner critic or just struggling to make sense of everything with building an online business. Well please listen up the only way that you fail, is if you quite.
Believe In You
How can we expect others to believe in us if we can not believe in ourselves? Law of Attraction is one of my studies I am involved in learning how to guide my thoughts and beliefs in order to be able to help others, so it is very important to have a belief in yourself. I know because far to long I listened to that inner critic and let her win, but today I understand that those negative beliefs I had experienced were not even mine, but from others. If you are having a hard time in any area of you life, stop and see if you are validated in feeling and believing that way or if it is that inner critic. If it is and I am almost certain it will be that inner critic here are some things to shut that voice up.
Replace Negative Thoughts With Positive Ones
We are amazing human beings and our body, spirit, and mind are quite unique and capable of so much more than we once believed because of science today. Your brain never stops learning, adapting, and changing and this means that you can replace those negative beliefs for good ones. Start paying attention when you hear that voice, but do not engage it. Instead, acknowledge that you hear it and that is it, do not judge it just observe it. The more you practice this the better you will see that you are not that person. Now you can use meditation to put positive beliefs or you affirmations. The best time to do this is either when you first wake up or right before bed, because that is the tine that you brain is in absorb mode.
Stay Aware
Be present this moment is truly you only moment you have. When you live in the past or worry over the future you are not living but only existing. Practice being mindful and that is simply the being aware of you thoughts and feelings and not letting them control you life. When you are mindful you are able to see the truth and discern between false or real. I will tell you the more you practice being mindful the easier it gets and you will find that you life is amazing and so are you.
Final Thought
I struggle with learning all this computer stuff and I want to give up, but because I know that I can do anything if I keep trying and not listen to my inner critic. I can also tell you that I understand that for some of us changing you thought process is also more challenging . This is what I remind myself those who had an idea and they failed repeatedly, but did not quite ended up being a great person. I will not say I will be an Albert Einstein or Nicla Tesla, but I will keep on getting back up and I will find the strength to believe in myself and I want everyone out there to do the same thing. Please share with me and others if you struggle at times and how you overcome it.
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I am so glad you enjoyed the post I am hoping to do good enough on WA so that I can be of service to others.
Thanks for sharing some great thoughts for this new year.
Like your thought progression here. Yes, we would agree - its a belief in one's self. And to keep believing it requires replacing negative with positive thoughts and staying aware of one's thoughts throughout the year.
Thank you for the great reminder.
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Love your wise, positive and uplifting words
Self belief is a significant factor in achieving success