Lets look at each of the key characteristics of good content in detail.

Helpful. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is not having the reader in mind when writing posts. Remember, it is not about what you think your readers need, but the actual needs of your audience within your chosen niche.

Your audience is looking for information that will make their current situation better. In order to achieve this, you need to understand your niche properly and identify gaps that you can close. Tutorials, informative posts, How-To posts are great ways to help out your audience.

Unique. Google and other other search engines hate content thieves! Do not duplicate content from other sites. You may have similar topics, and that is fine,but you can't duplicate content from other sites. Changing a few words here and there to pass of as your original work is a no-no.Google will know and will penalize you heavily!

One way of being unique is by using images that you have taken yourself, creating high quality videos. Be different from the other "players" within your niche. Create a unique experience for your audience. Google likes this and it will lead to good traffic.

Shareable. When you find something good and helpful, you want people to know about it. You want to share it with the rest of the world. This is how your posts should be. People will not want to share your posts if they are not helpful, engaging and of high quality.

Look at other successful websites within your niche. What do the readers love about them? How do they interact with the audience? What is the mood of their posts? These are good ways of coming up with your own ideas on how create posts that others want to share.

Scannable. I will talk about this in detail in the next page. Your readers should be able to, in a glance, know what your post is all about. It should be presented in an organized manner that is appealing not only to your readers but also to Google.

Take a sec and look at the posts that you have created or drafted. Do they have these characteristics? If not,change them to create content that your audience will love.

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JHuron Premium
Thanks Maria, I definitely found this information to be very useful.
Do you have any videos you could share with me that have more on the topic of building better posts? Its a big learning curve for me.
Thanks again
Loes Premium
Thank you Maria, especially, keep your content alive:) Very good advice in this training
mariasketch Premium
Thanks Loes! WA is helping me accomplish things I never knew I could! The community here is awesome!
Loes Premium
It sure is an amazing experience to be here:)
DIAB Premium
Thank you for sharing.
mariasketch Premium
Thanks for reading it! :)
catlady13 Premium
I love this, I am going to go back through my pages and apply what you said.
mariasketch Premium
Glad you found this helpful-thanks!
catlady13 Premium
Anything I can find to make my site better is high priority on my list! This will help my site immensely. Thank you!