Now, you're ready for your widgets! Widgets make it easy for you to arrange and rearrange your sidebar.

Go ahead and look for appearance on your dashboard and click "Widgets." this should appear on your screen:

You will see the different widgets available in the theme you chose for your website. Some of these widgets appear on your sidebar as default widgets. But you can always remove them and add those that you want to appear on your sidebar. Let's name a few that are commonly used:

  • ARCHIVES - collects your website posts each month.
  • RECENT COMMENTS - shows the most recent comments in your pages. You can customize the number of comments that you want to appear on your "Recent Comments" widget.
  • RECENT POSTS - shows the most recent posts in your website. You can also customize the number of posts that you want to appear in your "Recent Posts" widget.
  • CALENDAR - simply shows a calendar of your posts
  • SEARCH - this allows your visitors to search within your website.
  • CUSTOM MENU - allows you to add your custom menus to the sidebar
  • SOCIAL MEDIA - gives you the capability to connect with your visitors in the social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and the like.
  • TEXT - makes adding a banner or ads very easy.
  • CATEGORIES - is a dropdown of the various categories for your pages.

WIDGETS ON THE SIDEBAR: Putting some of the widgets that you like is very easy. Simply drag and drop whatever you like to appear on your sidebar. Depending on the theme of your choice, there can be one, two, three, or four sidebars. Just drag the widgets and drop them on whichever sidebar you want to place them.

DELETING A WIDGET: Drag the widgets that you don't like on your sidebar and drop them on the "Inactive Widgets to maintain their settings.

That's all about widgets. Explore them on your dashboard and see what happens when you drag and drop them back and forth. Enjoy!

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Angelsway Premium
Fantastic! I will still use this. Thank you sooooo much! X
betcha Premium
It's my pleasure to have created this tutorial to help you. Have fun building your website. Please feel free to ask whenever you need more help.
okydoky Premium
Thanks for the great post. There were a couple new things I learned there. There's so much to learn with internet marketing that we learn something new every day, especially from posts like this. Cheers!
betcha Premium
Thanks for the compliment, Ian. This is so encouraging! Yes, we can always learn new things everyday when we keep our minds open to learning. And we keep learning so that we have something to share to others who need help. I'm happy to have you around here.
Trialynn Premium
Thanks for putting the time in! Wish I had been able to have this at hand when I started using WordPress!
betcha Premium
My pleasure! I wished the same thing when I started. Now, all I think of are those who are coming in to join us. I'm glad to be of help.
velcarlson Premium
ONG, I cannot thank you enough for this very excellent informative lesson! I really needed this as I am putting my website together as we speak and you have just made my day. Thanks so much!
betcha Premium
You're so welcome, Vel. It's my pleasure. I was in your place when I first started. And it's frustrating to be going around places to find relevant answers. I'm glad to be of help. Please share with those who needed help so that they. too, can build the foundation of their websites easily.
zbeccah Premium
Thank you Betcha! I think this tutorial may be just what I need! Simple, step-by-step, so understandable. Great information!
betcha Premium
You're most welcome, Beccah. Those are the things I needed help with when I first began building my own website. And I didn't find a one-stop tutorial that can walk me through WordPress. That's why I thought of putting 'em together to help others who are just beginning. I'm glad it could be of help to you. Happy building! It should be fun!