Why I Suggest Squidoo

I’m not just suggesting Squidoo.com for your free website. I’m doing that because a lot of top money makers in this business use Squidoo to test markets and affiliate programs. Here is why I personally like it: “

1. I can go to Squidoo and look at what the writers are publishing. I can see what products they are promoting. I can see how popular there website called a “lens” is.

2. I can add Amazon products at will. Some say, well you only get half the commission because Squidoo takes half of it. The fact of the matter is that Amzon gives Squidoo double commissions (maybe more) and so your half is equal to a full Amazon commission. (There other factors here, Ebay, etc., which I am going to completely ignore because I’m the writer here.)

3. This I really like. If I put up an affiliate program that stinks of “scam,” Squidoo will not let me publish it. They tell me to go back and check what I wrote. They have a review process if you disagree with them. I’ve tried that. Nothing ever happened. I say, dump the program.

4. Squidoo will tell you that you are in a market that is not really suitable for beginners. Promoting get-rich-schemes or anything that resembles them in overcrowded scam-filled markets is out. Always read the guidelines before you start your first site as that will save you and Squidoo a lot of misery.

5. You can buy or sell Squidoo lenses. The other day I started a lens for my granddaughters. Now that she has signed up at squidoo, I can easily transfer it to her. Some people I know write and sell lens as their money making scheme or another income stream.

6. Folks say some of the nicest things about my lenses. For some reason I prefer people to money

I had many Squidoo lenses at one time. One day in one of my funny moods, I decided to dump them all, which I did. What I should have done was sold them or given them away to someone who would have fun with them. Later, I regretted this so I went back an wrote a bunch more.

Some are just sitting there doing nothing, others have a little sparkle

Nest: Squidoo Lenses are Websites Too!

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TJ Books Premium
Well, I just leaned something. If your link is not correct and you type the correct in the text, you must also relink it or the bad link will com up: http://www.squidoo.com/Idaho-in-color
TJ Books Premium
I might add here that I'm not saying not to start with a paid domain and hosting, I'm jjust trying to help those how don't have the money now to do it so they can get some money. John
TJ: Thanks for the headsup about Squidoo and doing free websites first before committing to paying ones. I'm working through the learning curve and appreciate the help.
TJ Books Premium
You are welcome! We try to help each other here. My idaho-in-color link is now repaired. I should have added in the tutorial, "always check your links." John
Sherion Premium
This is good. I think I will try this to see how a niche does and then maybe build a website. Thanks John. This is good for people starting out too.
TJ Books Premium
Make sure you drive traffic to it. Jenifer has dozens of lenses making money. She not only plays a good game of golf, she plays a good game of marketing. John
TJ Books Premium
Did you get the connection between the article and my kindrgarden pic?
TJ Books Premium
This is part of my kindergarten pic. I'm in front center. My fired, Larry, who died earlier this year or was it last fall, has the goggles. John