1 of 2 Choices Ahead of You

Here's the honest part. You have 1 of 2 potential choices that lie ahead. All marketers face this challenge when we're fairly new online until we discover -- ok, I'm not ready for my own product creation because that's too advanced (and I've already spent a ton of $$)... so..., I'll get smart and promote someone else's product first. Novel idea.

Difficulty or Ease?

Here's where most of us get tied up in knots.

If you use the WA FUNNEL AND BLOG SYSTEM as part of your initial learning, it will save you major time, confusion, lost cash, and more.

* If you choose to market the WA FUNNEL AND BLOG SYSTEM..., this can be a path of least resistance. It depends on you finding a golden keyword phrase that's low in competition and high in traffic (and decent #'s of searches monthly).

* You will have to promote your name for best outcomes.

* Most who make it in this game have Plan A, Plan B, Plan C and so on.

* Plan A = 1st profits... Plan B = Sustainable Growth...Plan C = Potentially Market Your Own Product.

Plan A = Affiliate Marketing

The other 98% who go it alone -- may not get through Plan A so they never realize Plan B or C.

Recommendation -- Whoever you choose to market, work from a proven system. You will still be able to build your list and build rapport working with people appearing on your list!

Read on to find out more!

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lgravitt Premium
Great resource - definitely bookmarked, as I can sure use it as I work thru the setup of B&F system. Thanks! Have pegged you as a buddy so I can follow your info.
BradB Premium
bkb2012 That is an excellent tutorial.
alanjonesUK Premium
bkb2012 That is an excellent tutorial.
momof10 Premium

I am relatively new to WA...maybe not so new but just unable to do anything except take in all the info and learn. I haven't started anything yet ( no blog, funnel or campaigns) I guess I think that you need to try and learn it all first and for me that could take some time.

Your tutorial is very motivating. I now don't think that I have to learn "it all" first. You say be positive (which I already feel I am or I probably wouldn't be here) and be proactive (which I am NOT).

You have given me the push to get started...thanks a bunch!
chig Premium

I am relatively new to WA...maybe not so new but just unable to do anything except take in all the info and learn. I haven't started anything yet ( no blog, funnel or campaigns) I guess I think that you need to try and learn it all first and for me that could take some time.

Your tutorial is very motivating. I now don't think that I have to learn "it all" first. You say be positive (which I already feel I am or I probably wouldn't be here) and be proactive (which I am NOT).

You have given me the push to get started...thanks a bunch!