So ...

Before anything else: you need to make sure that you create a full backup of your website before moving forward! This awesome plugin is built by the same team behind the popular backup plugin, UpdraftPlus, so I'd recommend you to use UpdraftPlus to create a backup ...

Upon activation, you'll notice a new "WP-Optimize" menu item in your Wordpress admin area. Clicking on it will take you to the plugin configuration page where you'll find a few (very straightforward) general options:

In order to configure/run the actual database optimization, you'll have to go WP-Optimize => Database:

You'll see a list of various operations that the plugin will perform on your database. The default (recommended) settings will work for most websites, but you can uncheck any item that you don’t want to run at the moment.

Items marked in red will require more intensive database operations. If the given process is somehow interrupted during the operation, then it may corrupt data, so I strongly recommend that you create a full website backup before selecting the items in red.

And that's all ... Once you are happy with your choices, simply click "Run all selected optimizations" button and the plugin will now start optimizing your Wordpress database.

As you can see, it's extremely easy to efficiently optimize your Wordpress database. You can do it with one single click ...

One last thing ... As far as I know, certain cron-jobs (scheduling features) are disabled on WA servers for security reasons. In such cases, you'll have to perform periodical manual optimizations.

And that's it my friends!

If you have any comments, further questions or update requests please don't hesitate to react! Like, comment and share!

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BorisRoman Premium Plus
Another training into my collection!

Awesome, Zsolt - great information!

Thanks a lot!

smartketeer Premium
Once again, thanks for the time Bob!
SnazzyIT Premium Plus
Thanks Smarts another useful training and great info ☺️
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
AlanJE Premium Plus
Great information thanks Zed, Alan
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
dowj01 Premium
Great plugin. Thanks for sharing.
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
TitaWorks Premium
Another help! Thanks, Zed....

-- Netta
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Netta!