First of all, let's see the term itself ...

What is a modal box/window?

Put simply, a modal box/window is an effect that will allow you to overlay a given, relatively smaller element (in this case a login form) over a webpage.

Now let's see the WHY part ...

If you run a membership website, an online store or any other kind of website that will require/allow users to register and login, you'll need an efficient and user-friendly login system/interface.

Usually, when users click on the login link, they are taken to the traditional default Wordpress login page (or another custom login page created by the site owner), and once the users are logged in, they are redirected again to another specific page. Which method is anything but user-friendly ...

Instead, you can use a modal login popup in order to ...

  • avoid the use of conventional window pop-ups or page reloads
  • display the login form without sending users to a different page
  • allows your users to quickly login to your site without leaving the page that they are viewing
  • deliver a faster and more polished user experience (and that will help you to boost your sales and conversions)

This is why I've decided to create this short tutorial where I will show you how easy is to create a user-friendly modal login popup in Wordpress.


Let's do this!

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TitaWorks Premium
Slick, Zed! Thanks!

-- Netta
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
Sytemsinc Premium
Thank you so much Zsolt!
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Kimberleigh!
Patricia81 Premium
Wow! Thanks so much for this great reference lesson. 👍
smartketeer Premium
Thank YOU!
brichnow21 Premium
Timely, information!
I do have a membership site, I'm about to launch!
Can't wait to try this out!
If, you're heading to Vegas, best of victories!
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time and the feedback Barbara!
brichnow21 Premium
I see, your name's Zsolt! Nice to know.
How about signing that at the end of your posts?
Seems all these great training may be consolidated under
Zsolt, very cool, by the way, and unique! Claim it! Personal branding for the future?
Rooting for your success!
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the tip :)
mcknisu Premium
This is great!!! Thanks again for all the great training and ideas!!
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for stopping by Susan!