You'll notice that along with "Pages" you can also choose from custom links, posts, categories and more to add to your menu.

As you build out your site your menu may also grow with it.

As you select items to add and rearrange them, you'll notice you can even create submenus within the main menu by nesting them slightly indented underneath other content.

Here's my current menu so you can see what I mean:

Once you have your pages arranged in exactly the order you want them, click "Save and Publish" and you're all done!

Go to your website and there are your pages, ready to be shared by the masses.

Don't worry if the body of your website is empty. That space is for your posts and soon you'll have plenty of content and you'll know exactly how to build out your menu to reflect that growth.

Your main menu is a huge navigational key to your site. Build it right.

Some themes also allow for footer menus and other custom menus in different locations. Building them is quite the same should you choose to do so.

I hope this training has helped. You're now well on your way to complete and utter world domination achieving your goals.

If you enjoyed this training then please feel free to comment below and share it anytime anyone asks "WHERE DID MY PAGES GO?"

Have a question? Just ask away.

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amgolf Premium
That's the new version of creating a menu.
Thak you so much for your dedication. Eric
EricCantu Premium Plus
Thanks man. I love this community and I want to do everything I can to add to the training and hopefully help a few people along the way.

Thanks again!
TaniaHersel Premium
Great constructive training. Thank you.
EricCantu Premium Plus
I'm really glad you like it. The initial learning curve when you start this awesome program can be frustrating just because our human nature wants results NOW, but the great thing is that once these first steps are learned, they're that much easier the rest of the way.

Glad you enjoyed this.
ThomasPye Premium
Thank you for sharing, ive saved this. Much appreciated.
EricCantu Premium Plus
I appreciate that man. I see so many people in live chat and in the unanswered questions area who ask about this that I felt the need to create it.

If you see anyone with this question about where their pages went please feel free to direct them here. I'd appreciate that.

Thanks again!
CZuleta Premium
This was very useful! thank you very much for your help :)
EricCantu Premium Plus
thank you! I'm glad I could help. If you run into anyone asking the same question please feel free to direct them here! It's a very common question for new members :)
MKearns Premium
Thank you for this great training
EricCantu Premium Plus
Thank you! I think it's human nature that when you're new and create your first pages you are so ready to see them in all their glory and when you don't see them right away, you freak lol.

Hope this training can help with that feeling of being lost.