The Standard Post Length for SEO 2021

If you are using SEO 2021, the standard length of your blog post should be between 2,100 and 2,400 words. I was able to find the average length of 50 of my blog posts that were read most in 2020. What I found out was that it produced a word count average of 2,330.

Just before you run off to write 2,300+ words in your next blog post, remember that not every blog post is required to be that long. To prove this, about 16 of my top 50 most-read posts were below 1,500 words. So, chances are you can get a good ranking on your posts even with a fewer words.

To get good post ranking, follow these SEO best practices, which include:

  • Pursuing only the right keywords
  • Attaining domain and topic authority
  • Standard back-linking
  • Trying to capture (Google’s featured snippet)
  • Putting alt-text
  • Adding content that is media-rich in your post body

Standard Blog Post for Lead Generation

Sadly, there is usually no connection between the post that stirs up traffic and the one that generates leads or new contacts for your business. Literally, posts that generate more traffic are the ones that are sorted for by many users.

I have to close this gap. To do so, I studied the top 50 posts that attracted a lot of new leads for me in 2020 to see if there was any change in the average length and determine if I should change post length to gain more leads.

The standard length of an article that is intended to generate leads is 2,400 words. Remember those 50 posts that gained the most leads! I had an average of 2,569 words, and they also had a median of the length which was 2,529 words.

I noticed that they are 250 and 400 words longer than the average and median lengths of the most viewed blog posts. There was another post that had 8,198 words and was termed as the longest post. It is roughly 2,500+ words longer than the longest most-read post.

So, if you want to use a post to build your contact database, you should write longer pieces of content because it will favor you.

Writing long content supports your knowledge and authority over that subject, most especially if it is a subject, that is, a topic or keyword for a specific audience.

When your content covers more details for these ideas, it would raise the chances of ranking better. Your odds of converting readers into leads are far greater if your audience is small.

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Parameter Premium

The word count for a pillar page of 4,000 could be heart breaking. But for me, I think it depends on how you approach it. For such articles, I don't write them a day or at a sitting.

I would first break the topic down into sub topics and research materials. Next day I may do 1500voit of it, and attend to other projects.

That way I would have broken the task into some days while I am also achieving other tasks. So doing I won't be exhausted or board.

I hope this help somebody

FrankB-1 Premium Plus
Thanks for this info, Israel!

I always write a minimum of 1800 words and usually over 2000.

My wife is always complaining that they are very well written but way too long for the average person's attention span.

I tend to agree with her that the average person wants a much shorter post with just the basics or with all the most important info in a concise outline form. You can see this trend in Twitter and Tiktok, where there is a word limit and video time limit, respectively.

More and more people are trying to read these posts on the small screen of a smartphone, oftentimes in a hurry while trying to do multiple things at once. The next step will be to ditch the smartphones and adopt wearable technology, which will make it even more difficult to wade through lengthy articles.

We keep writing longer and longer posts to please Google but I think that is going in the wrong direction.

jghwebbrand Premium
Thank you so much for this training. It gives a researched perspective. It gives another aspect to bench mark with when writing blogs.

My blogs are always over 2,000 words, but now I have something to consider based on the type of blog I write.

Very nice of you to share this with us all.

We are glad you are a member here. You have a great background of experience to share with us all. We look forward to your blogs.

Thanks so much for sharing.
jd500 Premium
Thank you Izrael, I am on average about 1200 words. That's all.