The Best Length for Blog Posts of Different Types

There are various forms of blog posts, and we should look at how the post length affects their performance in terms of the different post structures.

What is the Ideal Length of a Pillar Page?

When writing a pillar page, keep in mind that it must fall somewhere between 4,000 words and beyond, because it’s meant to basically contain more information than a normal blog post.

A pillar post is a post that hopes to include a guide regarding any given subject accessible on the internet like a blog post. It acts as a pillar to the group of posts that are related to the topic discussed in the pillar.

How did I conclude that a pillar page is supposed to contain about 4,000+ words? Simple! I determined the average length of my pillar post with the highest readers in 2020. I also noticed that pillar posts in 2020 had average length of 4,048 words, and 3,639 words in median length.

I arrived at this from a study on my pillar pages, which had some blog posts ranging from 2,138 to 10,938 words.

I know the number of words can be frightening, but remember that pillar pages cover wider content. Pillar pages, due to their lengths, might take several days to create; multiple resources must be cited and all related blog posts on the subject have to be linked out. If you do this, though it might be hard, you will see more traffic to your pillar post.

What is the Standard Length of a Listicle?

Literally, a listicle should contain words between 2,300-2,600.

Newbie bloggers often go for the list blog format first; it is quite simple to do. You can create a blog post just by listing and talking about a few varieties, resources, instruments, or concepts for a selected topic.

When it comes to listicles, it is preferable that you give a lot of examples. Giving examples makes it better.

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Parameter Premium

The word count for a pillar page of 4,000 could be heart breaking. But for me, I think it depends on how you approach it. For such articles, I don't write them a day or at a sitting.

I would first break the topic down into sub topics and research materials. Next day I may do 1500voit of it, and attend to other projects.

That way I would have broken the task into some days while I am also achieving other tasks. So doing I won't be exhausted or board.

I hope this help somebody

FrankB-1 Premium Plus
Thanks for this info, Israel!

I always write a minimum of 1800 words and usually over 2000.

My wife is always complaining that they are very well written but way too long for the average person's attention span.

I tend to agree with her that the average person wants a much shorter post with just the basics or with all the most important info in a concise outline form. You can see this trend in Twitter and Tiktok, where there is a word limit and video time limit, respectively.

More and more people are trying to read these posts on the small screen of a smartphone, oftentimes in a hurry while trying to do multiple things at once. The next step will be to ditch the smartphones and adopt wearable technology, which will make it even more difficult to wade through lengthy articles.

We keep writing longer and longer posts to please Google but I think that is going in the wrong direction.

jghwebbrand Premium
Thank you so much for this training. It gives a researched perspective. It gives another aspect to bench mark with when writing blogs.

My blogs are always over 2,000 words, but now I have something to consider based on the type of blog I write.

Very nice of you to share this with us all.

We are glad you are a member here. You have a great background of experience to share with us all. We look forward to your blogs.

Thanks so much for sharing.
jd500 Premium
Thank you Izrael, I am on average about 1200 words. That's all.