Occasionally, you will stumble across a web page that has some pretty good information and is written well.

Then you look up.

You read the URL because you want to know where this wonderful article is posted and it doesn't make any sense at all that it is located on the website that it is.

If this happens, chances are you didn't click on that webpage from Google.

When Google ranks how well you are covering certain keywords, it definitely makes sure that it is a relevant topic for the website it is located on. It wouldn't make sense for Google to point to www.greatsewingpatterns.com for an article about installing a motherboard and CPU into a new gaming tower. It takes away from their credibility, and multibillion-dollar corporations don't do that.

Stick to the topic you chose, or make a new website to follow a new niche.

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Scwebu Premium
Good advice. Thank you.
HARALD1 Premium
Thank you for sharing. Regards!
Dave07 Premium
Thanks Tyler. It’s always good to soak up golden nuggets of info like this.
Cheers 🙂
OSegun Premium
Many thanks for this wonderful piece of good information and advice.

As a newbie, I have committed one error of changing my permalink after my post was indexed.

Now, I have learnt something new.

I wish you all the best.

TylerClark34 Premium
I changed quite a few of mine on one site before realizing it. I only figured it out after my other site started getting tons of clicks and the one I had changed got none. I still have zero clicks on the one that I had changed them and the other is over 200. They are less than a month apart and the one with zero clicks has more work done on it.
OSegun Premium
Thank You Tyler,
My dad use to say knowledge is power. And what you do not know is your boss.

We are all learning. Hopefully, we will not do too much damage before we contact knowledge.

Wish you all the best.

Joes946 Premium
Great stuff Tyler! Loads of good training here and is much appreciated.
TylerClark34 Premium
Thanks, hope I was able to help