PAGE 1 – What it really means to get a WA referral

PAGE 2 – What you should and should not do with your referral

PAGE 3 – How much you will make from a Free Starter Member

PAGE 4 – What you will make from a Premium Member

I am sure you have seen many different blogs here on WA about members getting referrals or asking how to get referrals. But did you know that just getting a referral does not guarantee that you will make money from that referral? So what does it really mean to get a WA referral? In this tutorial I will explain the meaning and the steps that should be taken in order to have that referral make you money.


First thing you should not do is get so excited that you ask the community to welcome your new referral. Not only does that action not help your chances of getting that referral invitee to actually start the training, but Kyle does not want you to do that. It is up to that new referral to make the first move to want interaction with the community.

I can understand your excitement at getting your first couple of referrals but those faceless new invitees are just a connection and not an active member until they at least set up their profiles. Seen in the above picture and in the pictures to follow, I will be showing you some of Kyle’s referrals. As you can see this referral has not uploaded a picture yet nor have they typed in something in their profile description.

When this happens, this referral is actually a non-active member who has not taken the first steps to get going in the training. If this were your referral, you will not be making any money. Once that referral uploads a picture and types some form of a description, you will then earn $1.00 USD. But that is all you will earn unless you can convince them that becoming a Premium Member is worth it.

NEXT UP = How to treat your referral and guide them to start the training

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LindaKwas Premium
Thanks for posting this! My site is a niche site, not about making money, but I am working on a page about Wealthy Affiliate that I can post on my site. I hope to have something posted on my site soon. I do have one banner in the sidebar. I am hoping to have a referral soon. Thanks for this information and advice!
newy219 Premium
I think this is a bad idea unless you are in the make money niche or something related. For example, if you have a site about iPhones and you put up a WA banner this really makes no sense. Not only will you not get any referrals because it is unrelated but if you actually did you just created competition for yourself.
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Linda. If you do that one page correctly, you may be able to get a couple of referrals. That page could be something such as telling your niche audience of how you were able to start your own website business from knowledge you gained at an online university known as Wealthy Affiliate.
boomergp08 Premium
I do not think it is a bad idea if it is done correctly. I was able to get a few referrals from a blog I wrote on my video game website, promoting how others could easily build their own video game website without knowing how to program it.
LindaKwas Premium
I see your point, but I have to disagree a little. A large number of WA members who have niche sites have WA banners on their sites and I believe many have gotten referrals. It is true that you may not have as many WA referrals as you would if you have a site about making money, but many people are interested in making money online and the right one may see the banner and become curious.
Actually, the way I first became interested in working online is that I saw people in various niches talking bout how they got started online, and I felt like if they did it, I could do it too.
I think that advertising WA on your site is a little different than having a niche site say, in cooking light, for example, and posting adds about car parts.
I tend to agree with Botipton, and with boomergp08. If you do it correctly, it can work. Bo suggested posing the question "Want to know how I built this site?" Then point them to WA.
So I agree that you do not want to put too many adds up about it, but there are subtle and probably effective ways that it can be done.
LindaKwas Premium
Yes, I totally agree. Lots of WA members with niche sites promote WA.
boomergp08 Premium
I gained a few from my video game website. Like I said, if you do it correctly you could gain some referrals. It cannot hurt to try.
abdul11 Premium
thank you very much for this valuable info
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Abdul.
Claudioj Premium
Hi Rob Excellent training please clarify when the referral decides to be a premium member and completes his / her profile and picture, will not I be credited +100 USD more for one time?
boomergp08 Premium
Thank you Claudio.

No, you will not make $100+ on a premium sign up unless that member becomes a Yearly Premium Member.

Another way this would happen is that after one year of monthly commissions, you will have earned $100+ from that referral at a total of $282 ($23.50 x 12 months).
Claudioj Premium
Many thanks, teacher now I understand clearly :)
boomergp08 Premium
My pleasure Claudio.
Daniel62017 Premium
Thank you Robert,

I was wondering about the same thing. Now I I understand how the $100+ Per Premium Signup works.

All the best to you!

pablocortina Premium
Thank you for this important training
boomergp08 Premium
My pleasure Pablo.
MOlguin Premium
Good training...thank you!
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome. Happy you enjoyed it.
Loes Premium
Very nice training Robert. I have a training request for you, I will PM you
boomergp08 Premium
Thanks Loes. I sent you a reply to your PM