Imagine if you will tons of servers across the united states talking to each other. You have decided to host your domain on a server up in Main. You get your DNS nameservers set on your domain and you begin the waiting game. Your server is then going to periodically send messages to other servers it is connected to about the update on your domain information. Given the number of servers all across the United States alone that this passage of information must go through can take time.

Say, your domain is on the server in Maine, but you are located in Seattle, Washington. Propagation is the time it takes for the changes you made to that main server to finally reach a server in your area. Once this happens, your Domain will magically appear on your server.

The amount of time it takes for this propagation to take place can be short or long depending on how many hops it has to make through servers across the world to update them with the status of just your domain.

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redbiro Premium
Great explanation you have provided. It was frustrating for me also. I had a 5 year old website that I build myself from html with around 1000 visitors per week.

When I joined WA, I decided to move to move my domain to WA and move my content to Wordpress so I could follow the course. I do not regret the change for one second, however at the time I just wanted to get into the Wordpress but couldn't get started until my domain was transferred and hosted with WA.

Your article is awesome because it will let people know about this delay before it happens and they won't think something is wrong. Have a great day. Dave
edensbox Premium
Thank you for the comment. I saw in activity that a lot of people were asking why they couldn't see their site yet. I hate the propagation time, but it is something I learned about a long time ago. I think it is our we want it NOW! attitude. LOL Your so excited to get started and then you feel like you hit a brick wall. Thank goodness this brick wall crumbles :)
Fleeky Premium Plus
TCUK Premium Plus
It is about updating information across the internet

A DNS change for example... or updating WHOIS information... these changes of information have to be propagated through a number of servers before it's available everywhere

So you may order a new Domain Name but your new domain and website may not be visible to all until millions of servers have been updated with this new change.
edensbox Premium
Yes that is correct!
DEversley Premium
Great training, Eden. It's very clear and easy to understand in my opinion.
I am sure many will benefit.

All the best!
edensbox Premium
Thank you David. I had fixed the errors you had mentioned before so that it made better sense. Never realizing I never got it posted as training!!
DEversley Premium