Can You Optimize for BERT?

It isn’t likely. Google has once said search engine optimization practices cannot even optimize for RankBrain.

However, it means Google is improving at understanding natural language better. Keep producing quality and relevant content for searchers, like you’ve been doing before. It’s Google’s obligation to better understand the searcher’s query better and better match it with relevant search results.

Google hasn’t only said this recent change is standing for the greatest vault forward in the last 5 years and one of the biggest vaults in the history of Google Search, but also that 10 percent of all search queries have now been impacted by this new update. This is a great change.

In respect of this update, try checking to see if there are some changes in your organic traffic by next week and also see how much this recent change has impacted your website. If it’s found to have impacted your site, investigate deeper into which of the pages were impacted by the update and for which search queries.

You’re likely to find that some pages haven’t converted and the organic traffic sent by Google to those pages never ended up being useful. I’ll keep watching this and you may get some more useful content on Google BERT from me again in the nearest future.

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Jukkah Premium Plus
Great information on BERT. I just read up on it the other day as my traffic defnitely took a bit of a hit but it's seems to be bouncing back. Your training confirmed my understanding that the update is about understanding user intent and the actual context of the content.

This, of course, means that targeting single phrases is becoming redundant and you should cover a topic as thoroughly as possible. Especially targeting misspelled or incomplete sentences will be redundant as Google will know what the user actually means.
Dhind1 Premium Plus
It sounds like BERT will simply make things easier for all of us when we are searching for things on Google. When we use natural language we will get more relevant results.

For our websites, I think you have hit the nail on the head - we just need to keep producing quality content and offering answers to people's questions. Then we will be ok.

There will be more information soon about BERT as more people explore its capabilities. I look forward to hearing more.

Israel17 Premium
You just got it, Alex. Thanks for taking the time to read this training! Much grateful! Producing more relevant, quality and remarkable content will help benefit from the Google's latest search algorithm update. Thanks for dropping by!

Israel Olatunji
julesnp Premium
Thanks Israel for sharing this very interesting post.
Have a great weekend.

Israel17 Premium
Hey Jules, thanks for appreciating this post! Glad you found it interesting! Just follow up with the old Google's rule - which is building out quality, relevant content to satisfy user and search intent. Thanks for taking the time to read this post!

Israel Olatunji
Claudiojuan Premium
Thanks Israel for keeping us informed of all the progress that Google is making.
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome onboard, Claudio! Thanks for taking the time to read this training! Much appreciated, my friend! For those who consistently produce relevant, quality content for users, both the BERT and RankBrain updates will benefit them ultimately. The wise will concentrate more on building out content more than anything else now. Thanks for your contributions!

Israel Olatunji
keishalina Premium
hey hi Israel --- appreciate the 'digging' research that you've done to get this post published .... thanks! ... ⭐️😊⭐️
Israel17 Premium
Hey Keisha, thanks for dropping by! Glad you appreciate this training tutorial, my friend! Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) is the latest update in Google's search algorithm to better understand natural language and better serve more relevant results than ever. Thanks for reading!

Israel Olatunji