Very simply explained a Google Annotation is a note made in Google Analytics.

This is exceptionally helpful and in my eyes an absolute must. Imagine you check back on your analytics and you see a huge spike or drop in traffic on a particular day or over a particular period of time. Perhaps it is easy to see why there is a spike or a drop, for example it is December and everyone is clearly searching for presents there will be a spike... but this isn't always the case. It is not always easy to see what caused changes.

Wouldn't you want to know exactly what you did at that time that had that effect?

It is easy to spot if you have done something today and you have an increase in traffic today but over time you will forget what happened now.

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SadieChan Premium
Hi Lynne, when you said you update old content, what do you mean? Do you re-edit the content?
LynneHuy Premium
Oh yes, and it is a great thing to do!

Check out my previous training on this:
SadieChan Premium
Thanks Lynne, will do so.
DeFinismr Premium
Yes very good information. Thank you.
Maestrob Premium
Thanks for another great idea! Bryan
CalebWycliff Premium
Excellent training LynneHuy! Another great gem I can add to my strategies. Thanks

Kind Regards
LynneHuy Premium
Hi Caleb :) Happy to help!
Rmaisey Premium
great stuff, I'll give it a try. Are you putting in the url of a post as your annotation, and GA tells you when a post hits a spike and which post it is.. is that what the annotation is, just the url?
LynneHuy Premium
Yes I just use the url as my annotation when I have posted new content. I make other notes too though.
Rmaisey Premium
Ah ok, thank you, I'll give it a try!